How to Organize a Seminar or an Event

Written by Matt Bacak

Seminars and events have always been implemented as a holistic experience to participants. Thus, organizing an event requires extensive planning and preparation with most work implemented at least a few months beforerepparttar actual event. Most ofrepparttar 145011 time, seminars seem to run like clockwork with all events flowing smoothly according to schedule. In reality however, much groundwork has been worked on withrepparttar 145012 purpose of developingrepparttar 145013 right atmosphere in addition to a beneficial experience to partipants.

1.Establishingrepparttar 145014 theme ofrepparttar 145015 event

Each event follows a theme and purpose which will driverepparttar 145016 event set-up,repparttar 145017 target audiences orrepparttar 145018 participants,repparttar 145019 guests andrepparttar 145020 marketing approach. In general, a business event such as an international conference for a particular industry will appeal to participants conducting businesses within that industry as well as sponsors who gain mileage out of publicizing their products duringrepparttar 145021 event.

Apart from that,repparttar 145022 theme ofrepparttar 145023 seminar will also determinerepparttar 145024 type of marketing channels to be used to for publicity. This also holds true forrepparttar 145025 seminar marketing team who will needrepparttar 145026 event theme to correctly identify target participants and companies to sellrepparttar 145027 event to.

2.Selecting a venue

Venue selection is highly dependent onrepparttar 145028 scale ofrepparttar 145029 event. Usually this is determined byrepparttar 145030 number of participants,repparttar 145031 presence of any guests of honor (such as royalty or politicians)repparttar 145032 activities duringrepparttar 145033 event, or if there are additional floor space required for exhibition purposes.

A typical seminar of about 100 – 200 can be comfortably implemented in a hotel seminar room, possibly in a theater style setting or classroom setting. However, larger scale events with participant numbers scaling between 500 – 1000 may require a large hall, ballroom, auditorium or a convention center.

The location and quality standard ofrepparttar 145034 venue is also important especially ifrepparttar 145035 event involvesrepparttar 145036 participation of VIPs. With this, a reputable location would be imperative, including good quality and wide range of seminar facilities available. It is always wise to explorerepparttar 145037 possibility of a few venues and examine their location suitability, level of services, ambience, and costs before coming to a decision.

3.Seminar Marketing and Publicity

Seminar marketing is by farrepparttar 145038 most critical and often most challenging task in event organizing, and is often regarded asrepparttar 145039 most critical factor of an event’s success. This is becauserepparttar 145040 number of participants turning up for a seminar is highly dependent onrepparttar 145041 strength of marketing activities and publicity. Whether or notrepparttar 145042 event achieves its objective or whetherrepparttar 145043 organizers will walk home with a profit or loss largely depends onrepparttar 145044 marketability ofrepparttar 145045 event. This means thatrepparttar 145046 right marketing strategy and seminar positioning must be adopted in order to draw adequate event sign-ups.

Most ofrepparttar 145047 time, event organizers who have large budgets will turn to aboverepparttar 145048 line marketing such as newspaper and magazine advertisements as well as radio and television advertising to publicizerepparttar 145049 event. Press releases may also be sent in to major newspapers, in order to createrepparttar 145050 awareness ofrepparttar 145051 upcoming event. Additionally, large advertising media banners and posters can also be purchased to advertiserepparttar 145052 event in high human traffic areas. When using print advertising,repparttar 145053 specific magazine or newspaper used must haverepparttar 145054 target audience of your event as their primary readership base. Also all print media should be copy written with an enticing approach, highlightingrepparttar 145055 extensive benefits of participation.

However, if budget is a problem, then belowrepparttar 145056 line marketing may also do wonders. Ifrepparttar 145057 event is industry specific, mass faxing to companies belonging torepparttar 145058 industry would be feasible. Telemarketing is a very effective marketing channel to create awareness withinrepparttar 145059 right participant group. Additionally, dispatching sales personnel to attend torepparttar 145060 requirements of large participant groups is an ideal and effective strategy. Mass emailing has become one ofrepparttar 145061 most cost-efficient methods to reach out to large target audiences. This would be really useful ifrepparttar 145062 event organizer already have an existing database. Otherwise, a list of names can be rented from database companies to attainrepparttar 145063 same results.

A New Discovery of an Old Secret

Written by Davis Goss

A New Discovery of an Old Secret By Davis Goss

Some years ago, whenrepparttar world seemed to close in on me and I felt as though I was trapped betweenrepparttar 144984 sword andrepparttar 144985 wall, I made an exciting discovery. Actually, it was a phenomenon that was as old as dirt but it took on significant meanings for me because it freed me from all my problems and allrepparttar 144986 stresses and pressures that were being imposed upon me.

I discovered that there is only one simple root cause of all problems. When this primal cause becomes known, understood and properly applied, all problems disappear like snowflakes on a hot griddle. In fact this discovery launched me on a life-long career as a professional problem solver for a widely diverse personal, professional and corporate client base that included many ofrepparttar 144987 giants of American business.

I had discoveredrepparttar 144988 law of opposites.

Take just a minute and think aboutrepparttar 144989 world you live in. Have you ever noticed how everything you’re involved in is comprised of opposites? Opposites abound everywhere and in every situation. Webster has many definitions for opposites but they are best summed up inrepparttar 144990 one where he defines opposites as “elements that are so far apart as to be totally irreconcilable”.

For example, we have such irreconcilable opposites as up and down, left and right, short and tall, light and dark, assets and liabilities, success and failure, freedom and bondage and on and on and on. I doubt that you think of anything that does not have an implied opposite

Think about it: We live in a world of division. We live in a world where “twoness” prevails; a world of duality where very position, situation and condition is challenged by some alternative where one side is always pulling against another or pushing up against a wall that will not yield.

This is living in a world that is perfectly designed to promote struggle, turmoil, conflict, confusion, disputes and disagreements. This law of opposites isrepparttar 144991 cause of all problems. Without knowing how to control or overcome this law of opposites, people try to adapt to it without realizing that by so doing they only succeed in increasing their frustrations and prolonging any solution. Is it any wonder that so many people are suffering such pressures, stresses and anxieties!

If these people could somehow prevent this law from operating in their individual experiences they could enjoy living is a world where oneness prevailed and those things we call problems would have no influence over them.

This might be best illustrated by using such familiar opposites as positive and negative. Positives and negatives are opposites and have nothing in common. They cannot mix or commingle. Neither can one be described in term ofrepparttar 144992 other. Try as you might, you cannot successfully justify one torepparttar 144993 other. They are opposites. It isrepparttar 144994 law!

A problem is defined by Webster as “an intricate, unsettled question without an answer; a source of perplexity and vexation”. By their very nature, problems are negative. Webster defines “negative” as “something that isrepparttar 144995 opposite, or negation, of something”. That “something” isrepparttar 144996 positiveness ofrepparttar 144997 problem’s solution. Webster’s definition of “positive” is “that which is real, not speculative, not fictitious and logically affirmative; that which has actual existence”.

Just as a negative has absolutely no positive characteristics, so a positive has absolutely no negative characteristics. They are opposites. It isrepparttar 144998 law! And because it is an absolute, universal law it is not subject to chance, change, modification, circumvention or debate. It maintains its own integrity, is self- enforcing and works simply because it exists…forever! When properly applied it is your absolute assurance of successful conclusions.

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