How to Select a Hypnotherapist

Written by Paul Gustafson RN BSN CH

Most of us know all about daydreaming or zoning out. It is that unique moment in time when we lose all connection to whatever is going on around us. We may be present physically but we feel as though we are millions of miles away. That is an example of naturally occurring subconscious thought and hypnosis isrepparttar simple process of enabling it to occur.

The subconscious mind is a complex and powerful place. It is where all of our values, beliefs, habits and patterns reside. It is also our body’s control center; it regulates our breathing, heart rate andrepparttar 113555 thousands of metabolic functions that occur automatically everyday of our lives.

The subconscious mind is active when we daydream, zone out, stare at a television or computer screen or when we sleep. It is also active when we are hypnotized. Having access to this powerful level of thought isrepparttar 113556 reason hypnosis is so effective in offering long term solutions for so many physical and emotional concerns.

The conscious mind, or short-term memory, has a much different job description. It keeps us inrepparttar 113557 here and now. It analyzes, critiques, accepts or deniesrepparttar 113558 storage of daily information intorepparttar 113559 long term memory or subconscious mind. Withrepparttar 113560 client’s trust and co-operationrepparttar 113561 hypnotherapist helps them bypassrepparttar 113562 critical conscious factor and is then able to offer new positive direction inrepparttar 113563 form of suggestions, imagery and metaphors directly intorepparttar 113564 subconscious mind, where it is then acted upon and becomesrepparttar 113565 client’s new reality.

Think ofrepparttar 113566 hypnotherapist as a tour guide. Since hypnosis isrepparttar 113567 language ofrepparttar 113568 mind they skillfully use nothing more than words to point clients toward relaxing vacation spots in their minds. The hypnotherapist has no power overrepparttar 113569 client at all; it is completely up to them how relaxed they choose to become or if they wish to become relaxed at all. So essentially, all hypnosis is self-hypnosis.

Hypnosis feels as right as rain! It is a natural peaceful moment of inner stillness. Some clients describe it as a peaceful heaviness, as though they are sinking or melting intorepparttar 113570 surface beneath them. Others describe sensations of floating or a mind–body separation. For most, hypnosis is a combination of deep physical relaxation and heightened focus.

Fifty to 100% of those hypnotized hear and remember everything that is said to them during a session becauserepparttar 113571 conscious mind may be taking a break, but it is still quietly monitoring things fromrepparttar 113572 background.

Today hypnosis is widely used in 21st century medicine, psychotherapy, athletics and dentistry. It helps with smoking cessation, weight loss, relieving symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, allergies, pain and stress. Hypnosis enhances general health, academic, sales and creative arts performance. It can help improve public speaking skills, confidence and self-esteem. Hypnosis helps clients to sleep better, improve concentration, memory and relationships.

It also helps students ace exams; it supports complication-free surgery and helps mothers comfortably deliver babies withoutrepparttar 113573 need for any medications. With hypnosis, clients are involved withrepparttar 113574 process of creating positive change, which is as empowering as it is rewarding.

The keys to success with hypnosis are fairly simple: you need to be an open and willing participant; you need to be truly motivated and lastly you should be sitting with someone who is professional and capable. In most states hypnosis is not a regulated profession which means there are no professional standards ensuring competence or accountability.

A good direction to take when looking for a qualified hypnotherapist is to find someone who is also a licensed healthcare provider such as a physician, registered nurse, psychologist, psychiatrist or a social worker. These individuals are educated and certified in their field and are more likely able to offer professional quality care.

The Fine Art of Smudging

Written by Sam Stevens

An Aboriginal Canadian friend of mine who teaches atrepparttar Whispering Lodge in Toronto was explaining to me how physical or emotional healing cannot take place untilrepparttar 113554 person is cleansed of any ofrepparttar 113555 following conditions: 1) Emotional conditions such as resentment, bitterness, envy, jealousy and guilt 2) Negative thoughts about others or one's past or future 3) Negative emotions such as grief, hatred, desire 4) Bad or evil spirits 5) Attachments or negative energy sent to us from other people In most Aboriginal traditions, a sweat lodge, basically a tent or teepee or cave filled with smoke and heat, is used to remedyrepparttar 113556 sick person of these conditions. In ancient Rome, buildings called purgatoriums were used forrepparttar 113557 same purpose. These smoke and heat filled places were considered sacred spaces in whichrepparttar 113558 spirits or God could lift negative entities and energies from an individual without interference with others. Many indigenous cultures throughoutrepparttar 113559 world use burning herbs, plants and resins to accomplishrepparttar 113560 same purpose. In some culturesrepparttar 113561 smoke is taken into one's hands and rubbed overrepparttar 113562 body to blacken it. This is whererepparttar 113563 modern day practice got its nickname -- smudging. Below is a list of common herb, plants, grasses and resins that are commonly used in smudging ceremonies. You can light these substances yourself and carry a bundle ofrepparttar 113564 substance around your home in a counter-clockwise circle to cleanse your space. I highly recommend cleansingrepparttar 113565 body outside, however, as I have found that sage can burn very fast and create a lot of rapid whirling smoke that easily sets offrepparttar 113566 fire alarm.

Sage Sprigs -repparttar 113567 most common substance used for cleansing is sage. The word sage comes fromrepparttar 113568 Latin word Salvia which means, "to heal." There are also varieties of sage, which are fromrepparttar 113569 Artemisia family of plants. This includes mugwort which s used for cleansing and protection. White sage is used for cleansing and protection. Combining branches of pine and white sages together and burning them is used to attract prosperity.

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