How to Top Google by Writing Articles

Written by Glenn Murray

Search engines determine their rankings based on two things:

  1. Is your site relevant? (Optimized for certain keywords)
  2. Is your site important? (Many links back to your site from other sites)

Only when you address both of these considerations are you guaranteed of making an impact. Your degree of success depends on how hard you try and how many other people you're competing against (and how hard they're trying).

Optimizing your site for keywords isrepparttar easy part. (See Writing SEO Copy for more information on SEO copy.) Generating links back to your site is much more challenging – and time consuming (especially considering Google's dampening link filter - see Beat Google’s Dampening Link Filter with SEO Articles). But it can be done; and you don’t need a huge budget.

The key to topping Google on a budget is writing articles.

Here’s how it works…

STEP 1) You’re an expert in your field so you possess knowledge that other people want.

STEP 2) You write a helpful article – sharing your hard-earned knowledge and expertise.

STEP 3) You submit your article to recognized “Article Submit” sites onrepparttar 127729 Internet.

STEP 4) Publishers of online newsletters, ezines, etc. gather content from these sites for free.

STEP 5) Helpful, well written articles are snapped up by thousands of publishers from all around repparttar 127730 world.

STEP 6) The only condition is that they must publishrepparttar 127731 article with a functioning link to your site.

STEP 7) 300 people publish your article – you get 300 links back to your site.

Below are some FAQs about article writing that will help you write your articles and manage your campaign.

Q) What should I write about?

A) Write about what you know. Make sure it’s related to your business (so you can userepparttar 127732 keywords you want to rank with) and helpful (so it gets published). For example, if you’re a manufacturer of industrial plastics, you might write an article - or series of articles - on how best to handle teflon tubing prior to installation. Once you get thinking about it, you'll probably find there are hundreds of articles you could write that are helpful. You may even have some of them partly written already in your instruction manuals or installation guides, etc. Another good idea is to think of allrepparttar 127733 questions you get asked by customers and potential customers. These questions show you what people are interested in. If you write an article answering every one of these questions, you'll get published, and you'll also show yourself to be a credible expert. (You may even cut down phone support time!)

Q) How long should my article be?

A) The best articles are only as long as they need to be. Keep it short and sweet – there’s nothing wrong with a 400 word article. Byrepparttar 127734 same token, if you need 1500 words to say all you need to say, that’s fine as well.

Q) What kind of writing should I use?

A) Simply write in a style that your audience will be comfortable with. If they’re fromrepparttar 127735 old school, don’t write like I am. Don’t use contractions, don’t end sentences with prepositions, and don’t start sentences with “and” or “but”. But if they’re not old school, just use conversational English. In fact,repparttar 127736 more of yourself you include in repparttar 127737 article,repparttar 127738 more engaging it will be. The key is to make it readable.

Q) Should I focus on keywords?

A) Yes! Yes! Yes! Any SEO website copywriter will tell you that just as you need to optimize your website for specific keywords, so too should you optimize your articles. If possible, turn keywords into links back to your site. And always try to include keywords inrepparttar 127739 headline and byline of your article. And don’t worry about being seen as Spam; if your article provides good quality information and guidance, it won't be seen as spam byrepparttar 127740 search engines even when it’s very keyword rich.

Q) Where should I submit my article?

A) There are hundreds, if not thousands, of submit sites onrepparttar 127741 Internet. Too many to include here. Do a search for “article submit” and just findrepparttar 127742 ones that are most applicable to your industry and offerrepparttar 127743 most subscribers. Alternatively, you can purchase a list.

The Search Engine Optimization Game Is Getting Tricky

Written by Tom Worsley

For more than 4 years now I have been modifying my work from home based web sites trying to optimize forrepparttar major search engines, Especially Goggle. Today with much disappointment I have come torepparttar 127728 realization that search engine traffic alone will not make me rich. Yes my search engine rankings are now worse today than when I started 4 years ago.

Google is constantly changing their algorithms which may or may not benefit your web site. In my case it appears it does not. And then there is Yahoo and MSN search onrepparttar 127729 horizon. It appears these 2 are beginning to take away valuable customers from Google. Although this is not necassarily a bad thing we now need to optimize for 3 search engines instead of 1. Back inrepparttar 127730 good old days if you had a number 1 ranking on Google for work from home (the holly grail of search terms) you also had a number 1 on Yahoo and MSN for work from home. Today that is notrepparttar 127731 case.

I have always been reading other people saying not to place all your chips on Google and expect to make it big time. Today I realize how correct they were. I still optimize for search engines this will never change. But in addition to search engine optimization other advertising methods must be used if you want to make it onrepparttar 127732 internet big time.

If you haverepparttar 127733 money paying for placement is not a bad idea. Google has its very popular ad words program which for a price will place your website link in an ad box downrepparttar 127734 right hand side ofrepparttar 127735 search results. And Yahoo has Overture search results which are placed aboverepparttar 127736 natural search results. But you will need to be inrepparttar 127737 top 3 for your link to show up because Yahoo only shows 3 sponsored listings on top ofrepparttar 127738 natural listings. You can also use several smaller pay per click engines such as Findwhat, 7Search and Kanoodle to name just a few.

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