How to get High-Quality TARGETED Traffic from StartPage Exchanges!

Written by Michael Hopkins

Promoting your website via Start Page Exchanges is a bit like holding up a sign atrepparttar airport - lots of people see you but nobody cares. Basically, with Start Page Exchanges, you set your browser home page to display a special URL given to you when you joinrepparttar 120627 Exchange and other members dorepparttar 120628 same. Their websites show up as your browser home page and your website shows up as theirs.

This guarantees extra hits to your website, butrepparttar 120629 quality ofrepparttar 120630 traffic isn'trepparttar 120631 best. There's little or no targeting so your message rarely reachesrepparttar 120632 right people.

Furthermore, Start Page Exchanges are closed systems. In other words, your site is only being promoted to those people who are ACTIVELY usingrepparttar 120633 system. The same surfer will probably see your website several times over.

Fortunately, with a little bit of work, you can devise a Start Page Exchange strategy that will get several systems working simultaneously and bringing in high-quality, targeted traffic - not just from members ofrepparttar 120634 exchange itself, but from right acrossrepparttar 120635 Internet. Here's how it works...


Develop a web page especially forrepparttar 120636 Start Page Exchanges. This can be a page from your website (if it's a real attention grabber) or it can be something separate altogether. The important thing is that this page has got to scream "LOOK AT ME!"

Remember,repparttar 120637 only people who use Start Page Exchanges are webmasters. If your own product or service isn't of interest to webmasters, it will be a hard sell. Find a product or service that has a good affiliate program and that's geared towardsrepparttar 120638 needs of webmasters. Promote that product via your Start Page Exchange page. Try to offer something for free - an e-book, a demo, a free trial, or whatever. Many ofrepparttar 120639 better affiliate programs will give you free stuff to promote. The ClickBank MarketPlace is a good place to start looking:

By way of example, take a peek atrepparttar 120640 page I use onrepparttar 120641 Start Page Exchanges:

Now that you've got an attention-grabbing page that's geared towards webmasters, let's move on...


This is where we add some extra elements torepparttar 120642 page that brings in lots of extra traffic from outsiderepparttar 120643 exchanges.

If you looked at my example page and then closed it, you'll have noticed that a separate window then opened inrepparttar 120644 background. That Window was 'delivered' by ExitExchange:

10 Things You Can Do TODAY to Boost Traffic to Your Website

Written by Michael Hopkins

Are you twiddling your thumbs and wondering what you might do today to bring more visitors to your website? If so, then twiddle no more!

Here'srepparttar challenge: overrepparttar 120626 next ten days, carry out ONE ofrepparttar 120627 following strategies EACH (working) day. Just one a day over ten days. It doesn't matter which order you do them in, just do them. I guarantee you, it will give your website a terrific boost.

(1) Go to and run a few searches for keywords related to your business. Find those websites that targetrepparttar 120628 same market as you, but that don't directly compete with you. Contact them and propose a joint venture. You could, for example, exchange advertising with them, offer them a free ebook that they can give to their visitors or invite them to promote your product in exchange for a commission on sales. This free ebook will give you some good ideas:

(2) Visit forums related to your product/service and get involved in discussions there. Aim to answer people's questions in a competent manner so as to establish yourself as someone 'inrepparttar 120629 know'. Don't blatantly plug your website or product. Instead, place a signature atrepparttar 120630 end of your message with a link to your website. Be sure to checkrepparttar 120631 forum rules (and look at other people's messages) to avoid getting into trouble with other users.

(3) Download my free ebook "Over 178,000 Targeted Hits for Free!" and followrepparttar 120632 instructions. Get your free copy here:

(4) Find at least 10 websites to exchange links with. REAL links on proper content-filled pages are best, but even links in links pages can be okay (not FFAs, just proper permanent links pages). Again, find websites targetingrepparttar 120633 same market and suggest an exchange of links. Try signing up with services like LinkPartners:

(5) Create a free ebook that is useful to your target market and start giving it away. You'll find some guidelines on this in this article: To learnrepparttar 120634 basic steps to compiling your ebook, download this free ebook: To find places to list and promote your free ebook, download this free ebook:

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