How to successfully your website....

Written by Nicholas Dixon

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How does a online marketer gets his site to rank high inrepparttar 131816 search engines ? That's a question alot of marketers ask themselves everyday.Online marketing is successful when tackled from several angles.You may be asking yourselves , what are some of these strategies that I can use ? Well here are some that have been proven to work very well

(1) Meta Tags – These are very important especiallyrepparttar 131817 title and description tags which can give your rankings a major boost.Some search engines don't consider them that relevant , but still use them.

(2) Optimization - The vast majority of websites onrepparttar 131818 Net are not properly optimized forrepparttar 131819 search engines.When your site is optimized ,you are sure to see a boost in your rankings.Make this a vital part of your marketing campaign.

How To Write An Effective FAQ Page

Written by David Coyne

Websites that have multiple pages usually have a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)page. There are several good reasons why you should have one.

1) An FAQ clears out any confusion your prospect might have about buying product. Remember, a confused mind always says no.

2) It lets a prospect grab key information quickly.

3) It creates a positive impression with your prospect because you’re acknowledging that their time is precious and they want answers quickly.

4) An FAQ saves you time. The more answers you provide at your website,repparttar less customer emails you’ll get askingrepparttar 131813 same questions over and over.

Before you write an FAQ, do some research.Think about your favourite websites and formulate some questions you might ask about their products or services.

Now surf to those websites and review their FAQ pages. Were you able to find answers to your question quickly? Or did you have to scroll or click through pages to find what you were looking for? Wererepparttar 131814 questions separated into logical categories or were they put in random order?

This should give you an idea ofrepparttar 131815 “do’s” and “dont’s” of creating an FAQ.

Another valuable research technique is to ask good friends or customers to give you feedback on your products or service. What questions popped into their minds when they visited your website. (You might offer a small giftor discount to your customers in exchange for feedback.)

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