"Internet Marketing Expert Can't Give Away $100 Bills"

Written by Mike Enlow

Yesrepparttar above statement is a true story. Most importantly to you is, *the fact* we couldn't even give away $100 bills onrepparttar 121960 internet. This incredible experiment reveals why most don't make money online and what you can do RIGHT NOW to change that and start profiting immediately.

Here's what happened: We created a web site making a legitimate offer to give away free money, promoted it through search engines and newsgroups, and leftrepparttar 121961 web site up for several months - but not a single person took us up on it.

(This story does have a happy ending though - keep reading to find out!)

What does this mean to you and your online business? If you are selling anything less attractive than free hundred dollar bills (and that's most everybody, byrepparttar 121962 way) then it is *critical* that you keep reading to learnrepparttar 121963 very big problems you face in order to make money online.

Most People Don't Understand Just Exactly How Hard It Is To Make Money On The Internet - Or How Easy It Can Be IF You Do Everything Exactly Right

As very successful technology marketing consultants, we've taken people who hadn't earned a penny online and got them started making money immediately - And we've worked with people who were already making good money and literally exploded their profits with our special methods and techniques.

But, unfortunately,repparttar 121964 plain truth is: it's hard to sell ANYTHING On The Internet! And if you don't mind my being blunt, I'm going to tell yourepparttar 121965 main reason why more people aren't buying from you:

They Don't Believe One Darned Word You Say! Literally. They're sick of being lied to. Sick of being misled. Tired of outrageous offers, unsolicited email spam, products that don't work as advertised, and people who hide behind fake names and fake email addresses.

And Here's The Problem: Even if you are sellingrepparttar 121966 greatest, most effective, amazing product or service inrepparttar 121967 history ofrepparttar 121968 world (even free $100 bills), I GUARANTEE you that whatever you are doing to establish your credibility right now isn't enough.

You've got to BEND OVER BACKWARDS to prove that you and your offer are legitimate and believable, and it's likely that you're not doing even half of what you should do to maximize your sales. (Which is good news for you, because after reading this article you should be able to *instantly* increaserepparttar 121969 profitability of your website or online business. :-)

Let me repeat that, because this is one ofrepparttar 121970 most important things about selling onrepparttar 121971 internet that almost everybody is missing. . . You've Got To Bend Over Backwards To Prove That *YOU* And Your Offer Are Legitimate.

You can blab on for hours about how great your product or service is, but without spending time establishing how trustworthy and legitimate YOU are, you won't makerepparttar 121972 sale. Let's take our attempt to sell $100 bills as an example. I'm going to dissect our ad and tell you everything that was wrong with it. Are you making any of these mistakes?

(Here'srepparttar 121973 ad we ran on a Freeyellow free web site:)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I'LL SEND YOU A $100 FOR FREE!!!! you just payrepparttar 121974 cost of $10.95 to have it mailed to you by overnight delivery!! My supplies of these $100 bills are limited if I run out your order will not be processed so act now!!!!! Act now to get $100 (U.S. Currency) by overnite delivery!!!!!! WHERE ELSE CAN YOU GET $100 FREE?

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Written by Bob Leduc

"What am I doing wrong?" That's a question business owners often ask themselves when business is slow. Often,repparttar answer is... "You're not doing anything wrong. You just need to do some things better -- and you need to start doing a few things you've been neglecting."

Here's a list you can use to evaluate your own marketing efforts. It includes what I've found to berepparttar 121959 7 most important marketing principles contributing torepparttar 121960 success of ANY business.


Everyone may be a prospect for your product or service. But your marketing efforts will producerepparttar 121961 best results forrepparttar 121962 lowest cost when you target prospects withrepparttar 121963 greatest need for what you offer. Identify a niche market. Customize your promotional material to appeal to their greatest need. Then multiply your results by defining several other niche markets and slanting your promotional materials to appeal repparttar 121964 biggest need of prospects in each market.


USP is short for "Unique Selling Proposition". It'srepparttar 121965 compelling reason why a prospect will do business with you instead of with your competition. You'll attractrepparttar 121966 maximum number of customers when you offer a benefit they cannot get from your competitors. If you don't already have a USP, create one by adding something to your business you're not already offering. Convert it into a benefit statement and include that statement in all your advertising.


Always include a powerful offer in your advertising. Offer free information related to your product or service to generate inquiries or website traffic. Then makerepparttar 121967 most compelling discount or bonus offer you can afford -- to convert these inquiring prospects into paying customers. This automatically leads torepparttar 121968 next marketing principle...


Most prospects won't buyrepparttar 121969 first time they hear or see your sales message. You need a system to collect contact information enabling you to reach them again with periodic reminders and offers. Many businesses develop over 50 percent of their sales by following up with prospects who previously requested information but didn't buy -- yet. Advertising is expensive. Maximize your return on it by following up periodically withrepparttar 121970 prospects it produced to convert more of them into customers.

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