Invite Questions to Boost Your Sales

Written by Bob Leduc

Invite Questions to Boost Your Sales Copyright 2004 Bob Leduc

Do you invite your prospective customers to ask questions ...or do you try to avoid getting questions from them? You're walking away from many easy sales if you don't encourage prospects to ask questions.

1. Prospects Who Ask Questions Are Usually Ready To Buy

Prospective customers who takerepparttar time to ask questions usually have a high level of interest in your product or service. By asking questions they identify themselves as likely buyers.

A prompt and complete answer to their question along with a gentle reminder ofrepparttar 120561 benefits they will get is usually all it takes to closerepparttar 120562 sale.

Tip: Make it easy for prospects to ask questions when they are at your web site or in other selling situations where there is no personal contact. For example, list your phone number or an email address they can use for questions.

2. Set up A Procedure for Managing Questions

Answering questions from prospects does not have to take a lot of your time. Many ofrepparttar 120563 same questions will be repeated over and over again. But you only have to answer each question once ...if you saverepparttar 120564 answer to each question to a permanent file.

Every time you getrepparttar 120565 same question again, just copyrepparttar 120566 answer from your saved file into your reply - and customize it appropriately. You will be able to answer questions quickly. And you will impress prospects with your promptness and personal attention.

3. Always Reply Promptly

Answer questions promptly. Your prospect's level of interest and your chances of gettingrepparttar 120567 sale will decline as time passes without a reply. Prospects are also likely to judge your commitment to serving customers by how long they waited to getrepparttar 120568 answer to their question.

Doing Business Just the Right Way in the Modern World

Written by Chimaobi Phillips

The modern world is a complex mix of ideas and methods of doing business, but few persons knowrepparttar types of businesses and advertising avenues to embrace to achieve success in life and business. This subject is so important, sensitive in this day, timely and complex such that, forrepparttar 120560 sake of being able to putrepparttar 120561 matter inrepparttar 120562 most concise form, I have brought together onlyrepparttar 120563 fundamental points inrepparttar 120564 writing of this highly abridged article whose title is stillrepparttar 120565 title of a book which I am still writing. I term this article as highly abridged because a lot is involved in writing a piece of this sort. But I believe much can still be exposed in this article which is intended to bring to limelight allrepparttar 120566 ideas, tips, resources and tools needed to make a success of business inrepparttar 120567 modern world. I have taken a critical look atrepparttar 120568 age-old convention andrepparttar 120569 modern method of doing business and I have found out thatrepparttar 120570 modern method of doing business is easier and yiel ds more dividends within a short space of time. Butrepparttar 120571 age-old method andrepparttar 120572 modern method of doing business share not a few business foundation principles for success to exist. Among such principles are doingrepparttar 120573 business you love and can do and havingrepparttar 120574 business masterplan. Bill Gates had such when he started his business in a garage. He knew he had a wonderful product and knewrepparttar 120575 market was there, but a luxury office does not sell a computer product. Another vital principle is knowing how to advertise and market your product. This you know should berepparttar 120576 life blood of every business. This isrepparttar 120577 singular thing that turns a good or service into physical dollars. But without good follow-up and follow through in sales and good customer relationships sales or influx of prospects is slow and jerky. This should be underlined. There are also many other principles which never get obsolete. Takerepparttar 120578 ideas on business success you've read from books such as ‘Think and Grow Rich' , ‘The Richest Man in Babylon' and ‘The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of business Success', and totally discardrepparttar 120579 golden ideas laid down by Napoleon Hill and Brian Tracy and see if any business you venture into or you are already doing will not grind to a holt. Brick-n-mortar businesses can simply be classified into goods and service business. But methods of doing business traditionally can be better placed asrepparttar 120580 store-type business,repparttar 120581 out-door business andrepparttar 120582 import and export business. Businesses have been successful on these platforms, butrepparttar 120583 entrepreneurs who have excelled have taken note ofrepparttar 120584 business success principles and have brought in lots of creativity into their business. Underscore these two points. In this modern age where business can even be done from a kitchen or under a tree in a garden we see that business is more technological, brisk and attractive. Thanks torepparttar 120585 postal mail,repparttar 120586 telephone andrepparttar 120587 internet. The modern method of doing business today includes mail order, communicating and advertising one's business throughrepparttar 120588 telephone and fax machines; and finding oneself as a netpreneur onrepparttar 120589 internet. The methods of advertising include sending out billboard adverts, banner adverts, TV/Radio adverts; mailing of catalogues, mailing of postcards, direct mailing of letters; sticker adverts, telephone advertising and internet advertising. Mail order business is booming but only a few persons knowrepparttar 120590 magic secrets of garnering lots of cash from it. If in doubt whether mail order works, ask Jay Reiss and George Ropchan. They are both mail order millionaires. To succeed in mail order business there are three basic things that must

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