Is Consolidating Loans Right For You?

Written by Gary Gresham

Consolidating loans makes sense but only if you can pay a lower interest rate than what you're paying now. This is especially true if you are consolidating mortgage loans. Be aware of your total overall costs to avoid getting deeper in debt than when you started. Have you ever asked yourself why should I consolidate my bills? The simple answer is to reduce your monthly payments and save thousands in interest costs. Here are a couple of things to consider if you want to see if consolidating loans will benefit you. No matter what kind of loan you shop for getrepparttar very lowest interest rate possible. You always want to pay off a consolidating loan inrepparttar 141638 shortest amount of time to avoid getting deeper in debt. Plan to pay off all of your debts in three to five years starting withrepparttar 141639 highest interest rate debt first. Here are some ofrepparttar 141640 best ways for consolidating loans. Credit Cards Many low rate credit cards offer you a lower rate than a standard debt consolidation loan. Just be sure to get a no fee card for transferring new balances. By transferring a higher interest credit card debt to a lower rate card, you can pay more towardsrepparttar 141641 principal of your debt and pay it off quicker. Consolidating loans always makes sense if you can lower your interest on your debt. Debt Consolidation Loan A debt consolidation loan is another good option for consolidating loans. Just shop for an interest rate that is reasonable. The repayment terms should only be three to five years not ten or fifteen years so you don't pay thousands of dollars in interest. Calculaterepparttar 141642 total cost ofrepparttar 141643 loan from start to finish to see if this kind of loan makes sense for you.

10 Dirty Tricks Credit Card Companies Play

Written by Jeremy Zongker

The credit card companies make billions each year in legitimate interest charges and fees, but are under constant pressure fromrepparttar shareholders to increase their earnings. To make this extra moneyrepparttar 141637 credit card companies sometime adopt some dirty tricks to make this money. Asrepparttar 141638 credit card industry becomes more competative, less money is being earned from each client from interest charges andrepparttar 141639 number of these dirty tricks increase. To protect yourself against these unscrupulous procedures that steal your money we will list 10 dirty tricks credit card companies play to their clients so you’ll know what to expect and look out for. Of course that there are not only 10 dirty tricks credit card companies play to their clients but knowing at least these 10 tricks will help you to not be a victim.

The first one out ofrepparttar 141640 10 dirty tricks credit card companies play is alsorepparttar 141641 worst of them: not posting your paymentrepparttar 141642 day it was received. This isrepparttar 141643 oldest known trick:repparttar 141644 company receives your payment in time but it doesn’t process it immediately; this delay will bring torepparttar 141645 company a late payment fee. This is often due to legitimate reasons, butrepparttar 141646 policies of many credit card companies support a processing time that is not beneficial to you. A second trick is to make you pay late by changingrepparttar 141647 due date for your credit card payment. For being laterepparttar 141648 company will charge again a late payment fee and ifrepparttar 141649 situation repeats for few months in a row they can legally increase your interest rate. The third trick played byrepparttar 141650 credit card companies is a ridiculous one: you can be charged a penalty fee for not using your credit card a certain period of time. As unbelievable as it might seem, this is a new tactic ofrepparttar 141651 credit card companies to take your money. Another two tricks used are in connection withrepparttar 141652 client’s peace of mind. Both of them are connected with credit card protection andrepparttar 141653 fees that must be paid. One of them is protecting you in case your credit card is stolen, lost or used fraudulently. Almost all credit card companies do not charge a fee for this service, but there are others that do. The best thing you can do would be to avoidrepparttar 141654 latter ones. The second credit card protection fee is for protecting you in case you loose your job or die. For this protection, usually,repparttar 141655 fees are too high forrepparttar 141656 benefit received, but many customers purchase it out of fear.

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