Is Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) killing your affiliate sales?

Written by Mike Snyder

Have you noticed a drop in affiliate sales since Microsoft's Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) was released? I have and I didn't really know why until my wife, kids, and friends started asking me why their computer wasn't working right.

While using Internet Explorer my son said, "Dad, nothing happens when I click on this link." I scratched my head for a minute and thought, "he isn't doing anything different,repparttar only thing I recently installed was XP SP2"; thenrepparttar 102228 light went off ... one of SP2's features isrepparttar 102229 incorporation of a pop-up blocker. After installing SP2, links that normally opened in a new window now don't open at all. The immediate way around it is to hold downrepparttar 102230 control key (Ctrl) then clickrepparttar 102231 link or right clickrepparttar 102232 link and select "Open in New Window". To permanently turn off IE's pop-up blocker, click Tools > Pop-up Blocker > Turn Off Pop-up Blocker.

So how does all this relate to lost affiliate sales?

If you have your affiliate links set to open in a new browser window, they are considered "pop-ups" byrepparttar 102233 post-SP2 Internet Explorer and many other pop-up stopping programs. The average Internet surfer with pop-up blocking software or SP2 installed will simply go to another site because they thinkrepparttar 102234 link does not work. If they do not see your affiliate product/page, they will obviously not buy what you are selling. Sincerepparttar 102235 pop-up blocking feature is more-or-less automatic with SP2, you potentially lose a customer when they upgrade their copy of Internet Explorer.

Why would anyone set their affiliate links to open in a new window?

Affiliate Marketing--Huh?

Written by Vickie J. Scanlon

Affiliate Marketing--Huh? by Vickie J. Scanlon

In my search for a presence onrepparttar internet, I searched many avenues, but was finding more scams and dead ends than I would care to speak about.

It was one last scam and six months of my presence onrepparttar 102227 internet that I realized thatrepparttar 102228 only way I could possibly make a living onrepparttar 102229 internet -- and gain any amount of satisfaction --was to work for myself. Duh! But how? Affiliate Marketing seemed to berepparttar 102230 answer.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing isrepparttar 102231 promotion of another person's or company's product, in which you get a percentage ofrepparttar 102232 profit if a sale is made. That doesn't sound so hard, does it? Well -- it's doeable if you haverepparttar 102233 information you need to get you started in this field -- and it is work. So let me beginrepparttar 102234 enlightenment.

First and foremost, you need passion?

What is Passion?

Passion is a feeling that you have -- a feeling that is so strong that it is your driving force in doing it.

As you can see, passion is needed in any venture if you want to succeed. With passion, it will drive you forward throughrepparttar 102235 hard times,repparttar 102236 bad times, andrepparttar 102237 good times when developing your business.

This passion thing, I must admit, was my first stumbling block. I believed I didn't have a passion for anything -- and feared that maybe, just maybe, repparttar 102238 corporate world and it 70 hour work weeks may have consumed my passion.

However, I was not willing to give up. Not yet. I searched out sites, read articles, examined web sites -- in search of my passion. Then one day, inrepparttar 102239 middle of my research, I heard myself asking probing questions of -- Why? Where? When? How? My passion was found.

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