Is it Self-Esteem or Self-Confidence or what lies in between?

Written by Joseph Ghabi

Is it Self-Esteem or Self-Confidence or what lies in between?

I was driven towards looking torepparttar self-confidence and self-esteem in ourselves on a deeper level. How do we evaluaterepparttar 111479 two?

On a human level and perhaps whilst growing up, our religion,repparttar 111480 influence ofrepparttar 111481 culture of where we grew up in and our parents, are all factors that influence and contribute to our level of self-confidence and self-esteem.

How do we define those fancy words we consistently hear, and where do we begin to determinerepparttar 111482 effect of them?

Self-Confidence isrepparttar 111483 level of where we are aware of ourselves, in concern of our abilities, gifts and knowledge. The opposition is lack of self-confidence. This is where we haverepparttar 111484 awareness of our capabilities; however, we do not have enough drive toward making changes in any conviction we hold, in respect of what we believe in. We grow to feel safe and comfortable with what we are used to in our surroundings. The idea of embracing new opportunities that offer change become somewhat fearful thus is reflectingrepparttar 111485 fact that we are scared to make a leap to an unknown environment.

Self-Esteem isrepparttar 111486 level where we are lost within our own identity. It is a common trait for most of us that we tend to sit inrepparttar 111487 ‘back seat’ allowing other people to take control of what, in reality, should be our own decisions, allowing ourselves to become dependant on others to handle our affairs. This will most likely lead us into becoming a doormat for other people to toss us around in order to meet their own selfish ends.

Does this make any sense to you?

When looking around us, we can see that for many of us our confidence in recognizing our own true identity begun during childhood. This is not a natural characteristic of which we are born with. We can see an increasing amount ofrepparttar 111488 younger generation of our society attempting to imitate a star, of whom, they idolize. This is not a mere phase through which they may be passing. In many ways this is an attempt to disguise their lack of confidence in themselves by trying to portray a new look or face to other people, from whom they are striving to gain approval or recognition by pretending to be someone they are not.

Imitating a star is nice but not atrepparttar 111489 expense of your own body, health or spirit being damaged inrepparttar 111490 process. Some people might take it torepparttar 111491 extreme where they develop an eating disorder, for example, Anorexia, Bulimia or both combined in an attempt to alter their physical appearance to resemble someone of whom they admire. The result of this is most likely to cause damage to their body, self-confidence, self-esteem, and spirit inrepparttar 111492 process. However, it is not alwaysrepparttar 111493 case whererepparttar 111494 problem lies inrepparttar 111495 attempt to imitate a star;repparttar 111496 most common influence isrepparttar 111497 effect ofrepparttar 111498 environment of where we grew up andrepparttar 111499 conditions of our family in respect of this. Hopefully one day, people confront these issues by means of talking or writing an account of their experience in an honest and completely open fashion rather thanrepparttar 111500 latter of keepingrepparttar 111501 truth hidden away fromrepparttar 111502 fear of confronting of other peoples response, opinion or judgment. These issues are serious and it is high time we learnt how to understand and deal with them accordingly.

Now where do we findrepparttar 111503 main source of this problem?

I am, by no means, trying to pin pointrepparttar 111504 blame on one specific element. There are many different factors, all of which contribute to and hold equal significance in influencing these matters. To cover all possible influences would be too long at this point, however, I would like to specifyrepparttar 111505 factor of which I believerepparttar 111506 responsibility lies inrepparttar 111507 first place.

We cannot placerepparttar 111508 blame onrepparttar 111509 child inrepparttar 111510 first instance. The parents may benefit from looking into this problem more seriously and carefully than what might they think?

We are sometimes hasty when bringing a child into this world. When two people unite they may not be ready forrepparttar 111511 relationship in itself, irrespective of handlingrepparttar 111512 responsibility that raising a child carries. The couple should takerepparttar 111513 time when learning to better understand each other before dealing withrepparttar 111514 over whelming excitement inrepparttar 111515 event of a new born baby arriving into their lives. This factor will take effect, resulting inrepparttar 111516 couple neglectingrepparttar 111517 importance of nurturing their own personal relationship with each other. In many instancesrepparttar 111518 gap betweenrepparttar 111519 couple will become increasingly larger and wider. Inrepparttar 111520 instance of a divorce forrepparttar 111521 parents,repparttar 111522 way view these cases inrepparttar 111523 general opinion of society,repparttar 111524 majority of these divorces will not result in a happy ending. Allrepparttar 111525 frustration, anger that has accumulated as a result ofrepparttar 111526 void inrepparttar 111527 parent’s relationship, of which they created on their own behalf, is placed onrepparttar 111528 child. That child is sensitive to all of which happened between his parents. He or she is very aware ofrepparttar 111529 fact that it is through faults of their own thatrepparttar 111530 problems occurred inrepparttar 111531 first place.

A Childproof and Workable Home Office

Written by Rachel Goldstein

Article submitted by - 1000s of freelance jobs, articles, and resources.

If you have young children, then deciding how to design your home office has probably given you a headache. There have been times of chaos in my own home when my young children have ripped up or colored on important papers, stuck objects into disk drives, and jammedrepparttar printers with toys. With this under my belt, I can give you some good advice on how to prevent this happening in your home office.

First of all, if you have young kids, separating work from family is going to be nearly impossible. In addition, you are going to need to be very innovative at times in order to get any work done. When designing your home office, envision what layout would work best for you when you are working and taking care ofrepparttar 111478 kids atrepparttar 111479 same time.


1. Locate Office Near Kitchen - If your kids are anything like mine, locating your office nearrepparttar 111480 kitchen is essential. My kids are always thirsty and it makes them happy to get a full sippy cup. My first office was located onrepparttar 111481 second floor, and was quickly moved downstairs for this reason.

2. Buy a Cheap TV / VCR - In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with letting your children watch TV, especially if you have to finish your work. We bought a very cheap TV and VCR ($200) and placed it in my office. Whenrepparttar 111482 kids have become bored of all of their toys, I pop in their favorite tape.

3. Small Table / Desk - A good idea is to find a small table or desk for your children. You can give them a toy phone, paper, pencils, a Rolodex, folders, and other office materials so that they can pretend to be you. In addition, they will love it if you ask them to help you with your work.

4. Bookshelf or Drawer - Fill a bookshelf or drawer with toys or knickknacks thatrepparttar 111483 kids can play with. You should change these toys weekly so they won't get bored of these playthings.

5. Old Keyboard - If you have an old keyboard lying around somewhere, by all means give it to your children. Kids love to imitate their parents.


About 2 million kids are injured or killed in their own homes every year by hazards. This is why childproofing your home and office is so important. Here are some important childproofing suggestions to follow:

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