Joint Ventures: Five Powerful Tips for Building JV Relationships

Written by Bonnie Lowe

One ofrepparttar best and fastest ways to build your business and maximize your profits is to develop joint venture partnerships. Here a five powerful tips that will greatly enhance your ability to build strong, lasting, and mutually beneficial JV relationships.

Tip #1 – Don’t Let Fear of Rejection Hinder Your Efforts

Dr. Joe Vitale,, is a very successful copywriter and best-selling author. I’m sure he’d never heard of me when I contacted him via email about my recent “Networkaholics Revealed” ebook project. So I didn’t really expect a response from Joe. But I sent him an email anyway. After all, I really had nothing to lose… and a lot to gain if he responded.

And he did!

Why? Perhaps because I was doing what he himself had done early in his career -– reaching out to someone of a higher level.

Joe said, “When I was first starting out as a writer, people way above me, such as famed copywriter Bob Bly, helped me. In later years, marketing gurus such as Murray Raphel and later Paul Hartunian, all helped me. I simply wrote to them. They sensed my sincerity and offered guidance. Today I dorepparttar 146758 same for others.”

Joe did that for me.

Was I nervous about contacting Joe and other big-name successes? You bet! But I didn’t let that stop me.

According to Chip Tarver,, you must put your fears aside. “Most people have a fear of rejection,” Chip said. “The most important thing to keep in mind is that you are typically not rejected, your idea is. So try not to take that personally.

“Remember that failure is something to be cherished, because it gets you closer to success. Every failure is just a test that didn’t work. It is not a personal failure. When you get a ‘No,’ just think ‘Next’ and move on torepparttar 146759 next person.”

Was I rejected by anyone? Of course! But my results were better than 50-50. If I’d been afraid to approach people, my ebook would never have gotten offrepparttar 146760 drawing board.

Tip #2 – Focus onrepparttar 146761 Relationship, Not Justrepparttar 146762 Deal

Regardless of who you want to develop a JV partnership with -– whether they’re already rich and famous, or unknown newbies interested in helping you while they learn -– remember they are people, not business deals.

As Chip says, “You will never, ever do any business anywhere in your life (online or off, in any industry, with anyone) until you learn that business is all about people; and people are all about relationships.”

Alice Seba,, says “I like to meet other people, learn from them, interact with them, and build long-term relationships and partnerships.”

According to Alice, those relationships may ultimately develop into joint ventures or other business benefits. “When they do, they are stronger relationships than contacting someone and saying, ‘Hey, will you send this email out to promote my product? You’ll make a commission!’

“I have gotten some good joint venture deals with ‘big name’ people to promote my stuff,” Alice said, “but I was friends with these people for a long time before any business relationship developed. I’m nice, I give. Some people don’t get it. They are just focused on ‘How do you getrepparttar 146763 gurus to promote your product?’”

Build relationships/friendships first.

Tip #3 – Address Their Interests, Wants & Needs

My project dealt withrepparttar 146764 topic of networking. So when I decided to approach people about collaborating, I contacted those whom I knew had an interest in that topic, or had a list of people who could benefit fromrepparttar 146765 topic.

Michel Fortin,, said, “When you know thatrepparttar 146766 other person has very specific needs, and you have a product that serves those needs, you can tailor your introduction to address those specific needs.”

Setting Boundaries: Business Clients and Boyfriends

Written by Ellen Zucker

by Ellen Zucker

Setting boundaries is necessary in any human relationship.

Whether you’re dealing with an overly demanding business client or a boyfriend with wandering hands, sometimes you just have to say “No!”

In fact, there are many parallels creating successful relationships with business clients and boyfriends.

For both, most problems can be avoided by laying down clear, straightforward boundaries.

Inrepparttar business arena setting boundaries is done by negotiations, written materials such as rate sheets and brochures, and most important, contracts.

Good relationships enjoy a certain amount of give-and-take and compromise. But when demands become unreasonable, it is time to say put your foot down.

That is because human relationships work best when they are conducted with mutual understanding and respect. Intelligent boundary setting goes a long way to set up a structure where mutual respect can flourish.

Good relationships are based on an even exchange. Generally,repparttar 146735 exchange is money for goods or services onrepparttar 146736 part of you and your business client. Forrepparttar 146737 boy and girlfriends it will be a mutual emotional commitment.

A girl who gives her heart and soul to a boy who is looking for a ‘one-night stand’ is an example of someone who enters into an unequal exchange.

Is that situation really so different from a small business trying to break in with a large, high profile client who can pick and choose among many small vendors? It is not uncommon for some less than scrupulous large clients to seek out small hungry suppliers, give them orders large enough to monopolize their capacity, and demand all manner of concessions.

In both cases,repparttar 146738 small partner, likerepparttar 146739 besotted young girl, wantsrepparttar 146740 partner too much.

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