Low Carb Diet Secrets Revealed!

Written by Jeff Smith

You may be considering a low carb diet program, but wonder if they really work, and if so, how well?

Let's takerepparttar mystery out of low carb diets by giving yourepparttar 115231 3 most important elements to their success.

First, you need to bring your carboydrate cravings under control. Some diet programs argue that most of us are addicted to carbohydrates. Others take a more moderate approach and link it torepparttar 115232 glycemic index.

All ofrepparttar 115233 low carb diets are consistent on this one fact though - you need to overcome short-term cravings to ensure long term weight loss success.

There is definite scientific proof linking simple carbohydrates, such as sugar, to cravings you have for more food.

Second, you need to focus on better carbs versusrepparttar 115234 worse carbs. What that means is simply that you must consider which carbohydrates result in more glucose spikes being created by your body.

Simple carbs are quickly absorbed and result in significant glucose spikes which, can result in more fat being stored in your body. Low carb diets balance overall carbohydrate input withrepparttar 115235 quality and type of carbohydrates.

Jewelweed, Poison Ivy Treatment from Nature

Written by Judi Singleton

Jewelweed, Poison Ivy Treatment from Nature

Impatiens capensis Other names:Pale Touch-Me-Not, Touch-Me-Not, Wild

Celandine, Spotted Touch-Me-Not, Speckled Jewels, Balsam Weed, Wild

Balsam, Balsam A'Florae, Slipperweed, Silverweed, Wild Lady's Slipper,


I love these old names for plants they are so descriptive. You might

know Jewelweed by any ofrepparttar above names. It is a member ofrepparttar 115230

Impatiens family and evenrepparttar 115231 impatiens we plant inrepparttar 115232 yard have some

medicinal value againstrepparttar 115233 below nasties ofrepparttar 115234 wild.

Well, The weather is warm and it is time to get out in nature again. If

you are like me you like to hike and camp but there are some things

about nature that are not so much fun, like poison ivy and poison oak. Jewelweed is a natural remedy and preventative for poison ivy, oak, Jewel Weed is an effective natural herbal remedy not only for poison

ivy, but also for poison oak, okra spines, stinging nettle, and other

irritating plants; as well as bug bites and razor burn. Jewel Weed, is

also used for acne, heat rash, ringworm and many other skin disorders. When traveling acrossrepparttar 115235 United States a few years ago I got bit by

chiggers and it proved effective for those rascally little buggers

which itch like crazy. Here are some ofrepparttar 115236 other uses of Jewel Weed I

found inrepparttar 115237 herbal books. antiparasitic,digestive aid,diuretic,As a

diuretic, it is effective in cases of edema (dropsy). liver stimulant,mildly laxative. In ointments, it can be used to treat

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