Loyola the Luciferian

Written by Robert Bruce Baird

Ignatius Loyola – Luciferian or Heliopolitan:

I kid you not! Lucifer isrepparttar ‘light-bringer’ and just as Hitler was a ‘torch-bearer for Jesus’ we haverepparttar 126700 Luciferians insiderepparttar 126701 Catholic Church to this day as I have covered fromrepparttar 126702 likes of Malachi Martin who was a Papal advisor to three Popes and taught Jewish studies (Kaballah?) atrepparttar 126703 Vatican College until recently. Indeed allrepparttar 126704 Alumbrados (means Illuminati) people are ‘light-bearers’ or en-‘light’-ened ones. That includes Rodrigo Borgia (Pope Alexander VI) who I have dealt with in many books. I have already mentioned this Idiot’s Guide has no mention ofrepparttar 126705 Alumbrados foundingrepparttar 126706 Jesuits or any intrigue related thereto including evenrepparttar 126707 mere mention of Hibernians like Thomas Carlyle, Goethe, Saint Bernard as one, and other things related thereto. This does not surprise me one iota. Readrepparttar 126708 description of Jesus by Ignatius Loyola and think long and hard about whether I am right about his being inspired byrepparttar 126709 sun-worship or Heliopolitanism ofrepparttar 126710 Druids; which isrepparttar 126711 basis ofrepparttar 126712 Masons according to Thomas Paine who was higher up inrepparttar 126713 ‘octopus’.

“The Society of Jesus was founded by Ignatius of Loyola, who could be seen asrepparttar 126714 Catholic Reformation’s equivalent to Martin Luther. {Whose name is suggestive of Lucifer too.} Loyola has been referred to as one ofrepparttar 126715 most important—if notrepparttar 126716 most important—figures ofrepparttar 126717 Catholic Reformation.

Loyola was born Inigo de Oñez y Loyola around 1491. He was born at his family’s ancestral castle in Guipúzcoa. When he was old enough, he enteredrepparttar 126718 military service, where he served until 1521 when he was seriously wounded in battle. During his recovery from his wounds, he read aboutrepparttar 126719 lives ofrepparttar 126720 saints ofrepparttar 126721 church, and he was motivated to devote his life to spiritual service. He hung up his sword and spent a year in prayer and meditation at a cave nearrepparttar 126722 Manresa monastery. While there, Loyola fasted, knelt in prayer for seven hours a day, and flagellated himself torepparttar 126723 point of endangering his health. {I grew up near a Manresa Lodge that had some weird goings-on and I often wonder when I see them in places like Sedona or other earth-based religious areas. I am sure he spoke with them or received instruction from them at this time.}

Jesus and the Gnostic Cathars

Written by Robert Bruce Baird

“Historical Jesus research is becoming something of a scholarly bad joke. There were always historians who said it could not be done because of historical problems. There were always theologians who said it should not be done because of theological objections. And there were always scholars who saidrepparttar former when they meantrepparttar 126699 latter.” (1) These words from De Paul University’s John Dominic Crossan might not make headline news but they are important insights torepparttar 126700 ‘historical problems’ and ‘theological objections’ which still cause war and conflict or prejudices torepparttar 126701 present day. Those things arerepparttar 126702 stuff of headlines still emanating fromrepparttar 126703 land so full of holes due to things likerepparttar 126704 Holy ofrepparttar 126705 Holies in that disgusting Holy Land! We must discover why little is done to elucidaterepparttar 126706 arts of social engineers known as ‘experts’ in history, theology and journalism. Pardon my passion – but it disturbs me greatly to see all human and other sentient life so enslaved by this Holy conflagration. We can be so much more – if we would DO as Jesus and other desposyni did. There are despots in these groups ofrepparttar 126707 Merovingian or family of Jesus however.

I hope my positive portrayal ofrepparttar 126708 knowledge systems historically represented herein will allow people to understandrepparttar 126709 uses and abuses ofrepparttar 126710 life of Jesus by those who continue to empower themselves rather than enablerepparttar 126711 soul ‘within’. Collectivelyrepparttar 126712 soul of good people can overthrowrepparttar 126713 ‘radical aristocratic’ or Neo-Platonic top-down oligarchy. We must create! What we create isrepparttar 126714 work ofrepparttar 126715 Creator.

Leo Strauss and his students still runrepparttar 126716 US policy of our present day. Lincoln was another ofrepparttar 126717 ‘beneficent paternalists’ who thought we could not understand what really was best for us. Here are a few words from Thomas J. Di Lorenzo in an article titled ‘Leo Lincoln’. “Lincoln’s cynical political manipulation of religion wasrepparttar 126718 perfect Straussian subterfuge. It wasrepparttar 126719 perfect propaganda tool for sugarcoating a bloody and imperialistic war of conquest. Little wonder that contemporary Straussian neocons think of Lincoln as ‘the greatest statesman in world history’: He was an extreme nationalist; an enemy of constitutionally limited government and genuine natural rights; a skilled political conniver, manipulator and deceiver; and a phony religionist. Perfect.”

I hope I am not guilty of projecting my own life or beliefs (if I have any) ontorepparttar 126720 Cathari Gnostics and far more ancient peoples of shamanic background, who developedrepparttar 126721 disciplines which Jesus and his kin learned for many millennia. Will HIS – story play a role in ‘his’ – story? I refer to this 5,000 year ‘nightmare’ which Joseph Campbell quotes James Joyce talking about when he didrepparttar 126722 foreword to Marija Gimbutas’ Language ofrepparttar 126723 Goddess. The War on Women is a large part of what must be addressed. History is a poor teacher if you do not study to separaterepparttar 126724 motives and means fromrepparttar 126725 lives lost in often aggrandized hero worship or cultish national – ‘isms’. I guess it would be hard for me or anyone not to have a bias of some sort but I think I am more ‘open’ than most.

Crossan is a well established or connected academic with a lot of support from top Bible scholars andrepparttar 126726 mainstream theological community. But don’t expect them to start encouraging actual education of what Jesus studied any time soon. I think you will see that I come fromrepparttar 126727 Tradition whichrepparttar 126728 family of Jesus and Solomon were part of, for a long and illustrious history.

My purpose is not to justify or simply revise our image ofrepparttar 126729 ancients and what knowledge has been lost. The peasant or plebe must become aware enough to see we are able to fight City Hall. WE must learn to make history and changerepparttar 126730 ethic of our leaders. If not – history will repeat, like cucumbers on a sour stomach. Thomas Carney or Marshall McLuhan and many others have made it clear that we are ‘managed’; but McLuhan was unable to getrepparttar 126731 truth out when he wrote his books according to his recent biographer who says McLuhan knewrepparttar 126732 secret societies that are ‘behindrepparttar 126733 scenes’ and ownrepparttar 126734 media. Plato is just one of many who observed thatrepparttar 126735 advent ofrepparttar 126736 writing alphabet whichrepparttar 126737 Phoenicians gave their colonies or trading partners actually led to a decrease in knowledge and disciplined wisdom. So whether or not Jesus was a writer has little to do with his wisdom. Whether he was a peasant or a prince, he was not going to learn wisdom without effort and introspection. Here is an entry from my Heroes and Villains Volume in an Encyclopedia:

“PLATO: - This man is as important to you as Jesus, and both of them haverepparttar 126738 same legend of Immaculate Conception associated with them. I can proverepparttar 126739 Greek’s Danaus colonizers arerepparttar 126740 DN or DNN of Homer. They becamerepparttar 126741 Semites in Anatolia too; and it is acknowledged that Plato isrepparttar 126742 descendant of Solon. I can show Ptolemy trying to make himself historically part ofrepparttar 126743 De Danaan hero family of Hercules throughrepparttar 126744 works of Manetho and it may be true – who knows? The study of these two men whose noble lineage seems related through more than justrepparttar 126745 legend of Immaculate Conception; as Moses and Sargonrepparttar 126746 Great (a millennium earlier than Moses/Akhenaten) are related withrepparttar 126747 baby inrepparttar 126748 basket amongstrepparttar 126749 bulrushes, is of utmost importance. History may in fact berepparttar 126750 most powerful tool to formrepparttar 126751 actions ofrepparttar 126752 masses or society as a whole.

Throughoutrepparttar 126753 many books I have written aboutrepparttar 126754 Hyksos Phoenician Kelts orrepparttar 126755 esoteric Mystery Schools associated with them, there is documentation ofrepparttar 126756 growth of hierarchy and power or greed. The conflicts may have been part ofrepparttar 126757 Jesus story. Who knows ifrepparttar 126758 sage or alchemist named Plato really believed everything he wrote. How much was he advised or instructed to write? I am near to certain he knew his Atlantis story was a pure fiction designed to cover uprepparttar 126759 earlier model culture based upon egalitarian ethics with women in an equal if not preferred position. Jesus was probably named after (though his given name Yeshua is not)repparttar 126760 concept of Brotherhood called Iesa, as linguists can demonstrate.

There certainly was a Brotherhood of Man ethic but it may have never achievedrepparttar 126761 kind of harmony in society which is now necessary to overcomerepparttar 126762 inequities and hierarchial threats posed by excessive Neo-Platonic manipulation. Clearly there were some attempts byrepparttar 126763 wise Solon to protectrepparttar 126764 rights of women and yet by Plato’s time this ethic had not a shred of support left to be seen. Why did this insecure macho ethic evolve inrepparttar 126765 Mediterranean world to this degree? Just five centuries before Plato we see his fellow nobles in Tyre are allowing a favored descendant of Jezebel to found Carthage in 814 BCE. How much can we blame poor Plato for allrepparttar 126766 hierarchy anyway? He just wroterepparttar 126767 rationale for what all these nobles or elites saw asrepparttar 126768 proper way to structure this society.

Jesus may have been a zealot seeking to establish a country or kingdom like David (his ancestor) or he may have harkened back to a time when Brotherhood existed, as most Cynics really saw must happen. Seneca and allrepparttar 126769 other rich or poor Cynics clearly saw man must think and learn for himself, or else things would continue to grow ever more class and racially differentiated. I think Jesus hadrepparttar 126770 Gnostic training of ecumenism and was not intorepparttar 126771 Kingdom of Israel zealotry as much as he was against Rome and Empire in general, even if he was a zealot at some point in his life. I also think Plato was no where near as elitist or Fascist as his succeeding philosophic school up to Hegel and Fukayama today have become. In fact I think Plato would have preferred universal education and enablement of citizens asrepparttar 126772 foundation for his Republic. But let’s be real! Even today it is hard to find interested and open-minded ‘thinkers’.”

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