Written by Irvin L..Rozier


In 1776repparttar United States of America was born Long ago on that bright July fourth morn The Revolutionary War was being fought It was freedom and liberty of forefathers sought

Many lives were lost in that great fight Liberty was won and America became a light That drew others to freedom on her shore They came from England, Ireland, France and more

The civil war tore asunder our bountiful land Brother fought brother, often hand to hand Finally this war ended and our nation began to heal The rifles, cannon and artillery were quiet and still

In The Indian wars andrepparttar 140329 Spanish-American conflict Many were killed some by a gun some by a stick World War I and World War II came to pass Millions were killed, some in mass

The Hegemony (Church and State)

Written by Robert Bruce Baird


There are good things done byrepparttar hegemony. The Shriner’s Hospital is one fine example to be sure. But when these organizations took control ofrepparttar 140179 institutions of charity things started downhill fast. I am pretty sure that no open-minded person could read my books on Synarchy and not be fairly certain thatrepparttar 140180 Catholic Church andrepparttar 140181 hierarchy of elitists that includerepparttar 140182 Shriners and lesser Masons are in fact run or managed byrepparttar 140183 same people. But to recap briefly I advise thatrepparttar 140184 interested person could check out St. Columba acting as Arch or ‘High’ Druid atrepparttar 140185 Synod of Drum Ceatt and then followrepparttar 140186 Isle of Druids (Iona) monastic Order intorepparttar 140187 Cistercians and other Inner Sanctums or bowels of this behemoth. There they will find Hibernians like St. Bernard who walked both sides ofrepparttar 140188 Cathar issue and helped createrepparttar 140189 Grail legends to cover uprepparttar 140190 facts of secret traderepparttar 140191 Cathars and family of Jesus or other paladins were engaged in. Along this path are many good people including St. Columba and Pelagius as well as those Cathars who wanted to bring humanity out ofrepparttar 140192 Dark Ages. It is not a black and white simple matter to be sure. There is no ‘easy’ answer especially when sophisticated power elites haverepparttar 140193 arm of academia to twist or coerce through funding their projects.

The level of naïveté never ceases to amaze me. My own family has treated me as a pariah or paranoid at times. The good Masons who tell me how they do good work actually cannot seerepparttar 140194 small percentage ofrepparttar 140195 massive wealth that goes to fundrepparttar 140196 window-dressing operations. They see millions go to these causes and do not seerepparttar 140197 trillions going elsewhere or they takerepparttar 140198 ‘trickle-down’ they are allowed to feast upon and think how much better off they are thanrepparttar 140199 rest of life on earth who is not sold out to this game of corrupt and soulless cretins who would rather wield power than see all life on earth be wealthier than they are. Yes, it is possible to make everyone a very wealthy person. People become supporters and proselytizers for nations (Divine Kings outgrowth) or dogma (Manifest Destiny) and feel important as they exercise their ‘Right’ to be more than their wife or child. The Cycle of Violence and laws that maintain it andrepparttar 140200 wars or religions (tax free) are all a part of this game or Hegelian Dialectic inrepparttar 140201 Platonic or top-down hierarchy.

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