Written by dan the roommate man

So it's my fifth (and final) year of undrgrad and I am planning on getting my own place; but right before that happens I get an opportunity to rent a house for a total of $750 month, and this includes utilities. Well, no shit, I'm going to go for it. All I have to do is find two roommates. Well I met some dude (we will refer to him as CrazyBones) in a classrepparttar semester before. He seemed a little off, but overall we got along and we had been in touch that summer and coincidently he needed a place to stay and he had met someone (we will call him DnD for Drunk and Desperate) who needed a place to stay and this set up worked well atrepparttar 110547 time.

Less than a week intorepparttar 110548 semester, CrazyBones decides that he doesn't need to go to class anymore. So this, along withrepparttar 110549 fact he doesn't have a job, provided ample free time for him to sit around in sweat pants and be an all around scrub. As a few weeks went by I could just tell by some small actions and a glint he had in his eye something was definitely not right in this guy's brain. But I'll sparerepparttar 110550 small details and go straight torepparttar 110551 shit.

So it all starts one night when we threw a party. Everything is going fine until about 11pm when one of my buddies says that CrazyBones just ran halfrepparttar 110552 party out because he yelled at whoever was in earshot that they were all essentially worthless because they weren't paying attention to his crappy attempt a freestyle rapping (mind you he is 6,4 250 or so lbs and a goony looking white guy). I took this with a grain of salt and continued having a good time until about 4am when some dude comes intorepparttar 110553 basement all bloody and says I need to take CrazyBones torepparttar 110554 hospital. oh, shit.....Well apparentlyrepparttar 110555 two had gotten in a massive fight in CrazyBones' room and there was blood everywhere and a window was broken and his hand was sliced up pretty bad. So I drive him torepparttar 110556 hospital and I wait inrepparttar 110557 lobby as he is being attended to. And after about an hour he comes out having stole a bunch ofrepparttar 110558 hospitals crap saying they were taking too long and he was going to deal with it himself. He disappearedrepparttar 110559 next morning and eventually subsided a few days later fixed up. I don't know and don't want to.

Maybe a week or so after that I come downstairs to find allrepparttar 110560 furniture we had had (which was mostly his) he moved torepparttar 110561 basement, where he set up shop and reversedrepparttar 110562 lock so only he could get in. At this time he is hanging around some pretty shady people (he always did, but these were even worse) going in and out ofrepparttar 110563 house. All he is doing is hanging out inrepparttar 110564 basement and maybe he would run an errand or two duringrepparttar 110565 week. Mind you he isn't going to class and has no job. And there are empty bottles of prescription pills everywhere.


Written by dan the roommate man

If you have decided to live with someone else,repparttar most important thing to do is to take a good look at yourself as a potential roommate. Set aside at least an hour of your time to sit down with a piece of paper and a pencil and do some serious introspection. Don't skip this part, it's really valuable.

List Your Assets.

Start withrepparttar 110546 good stuff and give yourself a pat onrepparttar 110547 back. Make a list of all ofrepparttar 110548 "pluses" you will bring to a roommate relationship. Here are a few examples, but take time to think up your own. Make sure you cover all three categories:

Personal: Sense of humor, ability to listen, non-smoker, morning person, etc.

Technical: Knowledge of plumbing, phenomenal cook, etc.

Material: Stereo, car, living room furniture, etc.

List Your Faults.

Now that you know you're not such a bad person, consider what "minuses" you will bring to a relationship. Be as honest as you would want your roommate to be with you. (If you can't seem to think of anything, you are kidding yourself). Again, here are a few examples to start you thinking:

Personal: Moodiness, sloppiness, you think all Beethoven music is just random noise, etc.

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