Make Your Website Sell

Written by Chris Mole

Make Your Website Sell By Chris Mole

Thousands of new websites are springing up every week. The owners of these sites are full of optimism that their venture into e-commerce will transform their business by bringing in new customers and boosting their sales.

Butrepparttar reality is that most websites fail abysmally as sales tools. Why? Becauserepparttar 108150 owners of these sites have spent a lot of money creating fancy graphics but have paid little attention torepparttar 108151 words onrepparttar 108152 site. And it’srepparttar 108153 words on websites that sell. Your fancy graphics might entertain your potential customers but they won’t makerepparttar 108154 sale.

Take a look at many ofrepparttar 108155 websites out there in cyberspace. They are full of spelling mistakes, poor grammar and cumbersome text that makes you want to do only one thing … click your mouse button and move to something else.

Small and medium businesses are particularly guilty of this. The words appear to be an after-thought, hurriedly cobbled together to fillrepparttar 108156 space betweenrepparttar 108157 images.

One of America’s e-commerce gurus, Ken Evoy, believes 90 percent of websites are failing to “getrepparttar 108158 order” from potential customers browsingrepparttar 108159 web, because they are badly written, or written inrepparttar 108160 wrong style.

“Remember, people userepparttar 108161 Net to find information. And information is contained in words, not graphics,” Evoy says.

“Let’s face it, there’s some pretty cool stuff onrepparttar 108162 web, and it’s fun to play with. But don’t be tempted. Your sales site can’t be self-indulgent. You have to think customer every step ofrepparttar 108163 way. Customers want information.

“Compelling text is 1000 percent more important than fancy design. After all, if a fancy page has no substance, it delivers no value.”

Web selling also has two important features to consider. First,repparttar 108164 customer sought you out. This is a big positive. Second, there are thousands of other companies onrepparttar 108165 web competing for your customer’s business. And since you are a ‘virtual vendor’,repparttar 108166 customer can click you away in a second … without even feeling bad about it. This is a huge negative.

When you think about selling onrepparttar 108167 web, keep these two points clearly in mind. You have a potential customer browsing your site, finger poised over their mouse. One click and they’re gone.

So what should an effective website look like? First, keep it simple. It may be nice to have moving images to greetrepparttar 108168 customer when they enterrepparttar 108169 site, but make sure it doesn’t take too long to load. Otherwiserepparttar 108170 customer will get impatient and … click … they’re gone.

All your site really needs is to be clean, simple and well-structured. It doesn’t have to be fancy. It doesn’t have to be complicated. And it doesn’t have to be expensive.


Written by David B. Silva


Just as great fiction is an art, so is great copywriting. Beneathrepparttar art, however, there's a foundation of basic knowledge and skills. The craft that goes into your writing.

Craft comes first. Art follows.

You learnrepparttar 108149 craft of writing by educating yourself, byrepparttar 108150 actual process of writing (the doing), and by reading incessantly. Every successful writer will tell you that reading has been and still isrepparttar 108151 cornerstone of developing his craft.

Reading presents you with a written illustration of what works and what doesn't, of what you like as a writer and what you don't. It helps you understandrepparttar 108152 possibilities, and offers practical instruction of howrepparttar 108153 rules of your craft are used.

Most writers, when they start out, mimic their favorite authors. I have a friend who became incredibly adept at writing like Stephen King. For several years, everything I wrote had a Ray Bradbury flavor.

Eventually, we developed our own styles, which were richer for having first gone through this mimic stage.

The point is this: part of any effective learning process is to mimic what has been successful before you.

This is true of copywriting, too. And it'srepparttar 108154 reason you need to start a "swipe" file if you want to become a successful copywriter.

What is a "swipe" file? It's exactly what it sounds like ... a file of great copywriting examples that you've collected, studied, and can access whenever you're in need of a little inspiration. These are not examples meant to be plagiarized. You aren't copying work here; you're adapting it to your own copywriting needs.

For example ... suppose you're writing a sales letter for an Internet site that sells an expensive men's wristwatch and you're in need of a great headline. You search through your "swipe" file and find a sales letter for The Oxford Club (actually taken from my own "swipe" file) withrepparttar 108155 headline: A Man's Right To Wealth. How To Master Every Situation And Prosper On A Grand Scale.

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