Migraine A Special Kind of Headache

Written by Dr. Tom Holbrook and Dr. Jeff Hand

YOU HAVE A SPECIAL KIND OF HEADACHE. You may be surprised to know that more than 40 million people in this country suffer from frequent and recurring headaches due to various causes. There are many different kinds of headache, your physician has diagnosed your as migraine. It is special becauserepparttar bodies mechanisms that bring on migraine are unlike those that bring on other kinds of headache.

Yet, you need not suffer because you have migraine. Doctors now have ways to treat your migraine which attackrepparttar 113627 cause rather than just give simple pain relief. However, your physician’s instructions must be carefully carried out in order forrepparttar 113628 medication to work properly.

WHY YOU GET MIGRAINE. Migraine is known as a vascular headache. Medical evidence indicates that it is related to a disturbance inrepparttar 113629 blood vessels inrepparttar 113630 brain, scalp and facial tissues. Most headache experts believe that migraine is an inherited disorder that may be precipitated by many factors such as food, atmospheric pressure, changes inrepparttar 113631 weather, stress situations and excessive sleep.

Although there are many forms migraine may take, there are two major types: Classical and Neoclassical Migraine. The difference betweenrepparttar 113632 two is that with classical migraine there are various warning symptoms. Perhaps you have blurred vision or you see stars or flashes of light, just prior torepparttar 113633 headache. If you have classical migraine, your blood vessels constrict during this phase. Whenrepparttar 113634 full-blown migraine occurs, there is an increase in size (or vasodilatation) ofrepparttar 113635 blood vessels. Therefore it is important that you take your migraine medication as soon asrepparttar 113636 warning symptom occurs. Nonclassical or simple migraine is a severe headache when it occurs at irregular intervals, but which is not preceded by warning symptoms such as flashes of light. In this type of migraine it is also important that your medication be taken atrepparttar 113637 very first indication of head pain.

GENERAL RULES FOR PREVENTING MIGRAINE HEADACHE. Each ofrepparttar 113638 well-known rules for general health care can be especially helpful for decreasingrepparttar 113639 frequency and severity of your migraine attacks. For example:

1. Get plenty of sleep---but do not oversleep. Early to bed and early to rise is a good plan. Fatigue and overexertion can trigger migraine. Keep your normal sleep pattern, even on weekends. 2. Eat balanced meals at regular hours. Do not skip meals. 3. Avoid foods that tend to trigger attacks.

FOODS TO AVOID. All cheeses (except cottage cheese), chocolate, herring, vinegar (except white vinegar), anything fermented, pickled, or marinated, yogurt, sour cream, nuts, pods of broad beans, such as: lima, navy, and pea pods, hot, fresh-baked breads, chicken livers, lunch meats, hot dogs and other foods containing nitrates.

The Cholesterol Myth

Written by Ray Gebauer

The Cholesterol Myth

Cholesterol. What images come to mind when you see this word? Is it positive or negative? Is it health, or is it heart disease?

If what came to mind was negative, as something to avoid, and heart disease, thenrepparttar pharmaceutical companies food industries have been successful in getting you to believe a fabricated myth!

According to George V. Mann, M.D., professor of Medicine and Biochemistry at Vanderbilt University, “Saturated fat and cholesterol inrepparttar 113626 diet are notrepparttar 113627 cause of coronary heart disease. That myth isrepparttar 113628 greatest scientific deception of this century, perhaps of any century.”

Russell L. Smith, Ph.D. isrepparttar 113629 author ofrepparttar 113630 book, The Cholesterol Conspiracy. Dr. Smith states that “Bothrepparttar 113631 public and clinical physicians have simultaneously been swamped by an ever-growing tidal wave of exaggerations, distortions and even fabrications ofrepparttar 113632 facts.”

Here’srepparttar 113633 truth. Cholesterol is good! It is a necessary part of every cell in your body and is essential in virtually all aspects of metabolism. Without it, we would die. That’s notrepparttar 113634 impression you got fromrepparttar 113635 advertisers, is it!

Cholesterol is necessary forrepparttar 113636 brain, nervous system, hormones, digestion, liver function, heart muscle contraction, calcium metabolism and bone structure and skin. Cholesterol forms 50 percent ofrepparttar 113637 nervous system and serves asrepparttar 113638 conductor of nerve impulses. It is so important that your body produces four to seven times as much as you ingest and reduces its production to accommodate cholesterol intake fromrepparttar 113639 food you eat.

A deficiency of Cholesterol results in obesity, emotional disturbances, fatigue, impotency, and many more imbalances.

Howrepparttar 113640 Scam Begun

Inrepparttar 113641 early 1900’s, experiments were done in which rabbits were given extremely high amounts of dietary cholesterol. Their blood cholesterol rose twenty fold and a soft plaque like disease formed onrepparttar 113642 coronary arteries. Butrepparttar 113643 cholesterol levels returned to normal andrepparttar 113644 plaque disappeared whenrepparttar 113645 feeding was stopped. This formedrepparttar 113646 basis ofrepparttar 113647 theory that cholesterol caused coronary heart disease in humans.

Here arerepparttar 113648 flaws. The rabbits were given a synthetic form of cholesterol that easily oxidized when exposed to air (which made it toxic). Rabbits also do not metabolize cholesterol as do humans. Humans and other animals like dogs and rats do not develop atherosclerosis-like disease as do rabbits when given dietary cholesterol. And finally, humans do not develop soft plaque as didrepparttar 113649 rabbits; humans develop hard plaque which does not reverse, and it is not caused by dietary cholesterol.

Eggs and Cholesterol

One ofrepparttar 113650 many foods we are warned about is eggs. In one study, seventy men were divided into three groups which ate either 3, 7, or 14 eggs a week for five months. They all had similar cholesterol levels inrepparttar 113651 beginning. The total cholesterol, LDL and HDL cholesterol and triglycerides did not change duringrepparttar 113652 study for any ofrepparttar 113653 groups.

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