Monsters and Demons: A Short History of the Horror Film

Written by Astrid Bullen

Going torepparttar movies may not seem like a novel way for little kids to spend an afternoon. But have you ever brought your child to see a Disney flick and ended up viewing trailers for Jeepers Creepers 2 or Freddie vs. Jason? When this happened in a Birmingham, Alabama cinema last year, parents became concerned about whatrepparttar 116279 main attraction would be. But beforerepparttar 116280 managers atrepparttar 116281 cinema could turn offrepparttar 116282 previews,repparttar 116283 main attraction came on, and it wasn’t Piglet. Instead they were presented withrepparttar 116284 gruesome opening of Wrong Turn, an 18-rated slasher flick in muchrepparttar 116285 same vein asrepparttar 116286 previews.

Is there a more genre more criticized thanrepparttar 116287 horror film? Not bloody likely. There’srepparttar 116288 argument that horror films are socially and morally irresponsible, even influencing some people to imitaterepparttar 116289 brutal methods ofrepparttar 116290 killers portrayed on screen. Horror films actually haverepparttar 116291 opposite effect on normal people – sick minds will commit atrocities anyway. Watching horror films lets us encounter our secret fears, share them with other viewers, and eliminaterepparttar 116292 terror by meeting it head-on.

The genre is almost as old as cinema itself –repparttar 116293 silent short film Le Manoir du Diable directed by Georges Mèliès in 1896 wasrepparttar 116294 first horror movie andrepparttar 116295 first vampire flick. The movie only lasted two minutes, but audiences loved it, and Mèliès took pleasure in giving them even more devils and skeletons.

Inrepparttar 116296 early 1900’s German filmmakers createdrepparttar 116297 first horror-themed feature films, and director Paul Wegener enjoyed great success with his version ofrepparttar 116298 old Jewish folk tale Der Golem in 1913 (which he remade – to even greater success – in 1920). This fable about an enormous clay figure, which is brought to life by an antiquarian and then fights against its forced servitude, was a clear precursor torepparttar 116299 many monster movies that flourished in Hollywood duringrepparttar 116300 Thirties.

The most enduring early German horror film is probably F.W. Murnau’s Nosferatu (1922),repparttar 116301 first feature-length vampire movie. But one movie pavedrepparttar 116302 way forrepparttar 116303 “serious” horror film – and art cinema in general – Robert Wiene’s work of genius The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, still held up as an model ofrepparttar 116304 potent creativity of cinema even to this day. Early Hollywood drama dabbles in horror themes including versions of The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1923) starring Lon Chaney,repparttar 116305 first American horror-film movie star.

It was inrepparttar 116306 early 1930’s that Universal Studios, createdrepparttar 116307 modern horror film genre, bringing torepparttar 116308 screen a series of successful gothic-steeped features including Dracula, Frankenstein (both 1931) and The Mummy (1932) – all of which spawned numerous sequels. No other studio had as much success withrepparttar 116309 genre (even if some ofrepparttar 116310 films made at Paramount and MGM were better).

Inrepparttar 116311 nuclear-charged atmosphere ofrepparttar 116312 1950’srepparttar 116313 tone of horror films shifted away fromrepparttar 116314 gothic and towardsrepparttar 116315 modern. Aliens took overrepparttar 116316 local cinema, if notrepparttar 116317 world, and they were not at all interested in extendingrepparttar 116318 tentacle of friendship. Humanity had to overcome endless threats from Outside: alien invasions, and deadly mutations to people, plants, and insects. Two ofrepparttar 116319 most popular films ofrepparttar 116320 period were The Thing From Another World (1951) and Invasion ofrepparttar 116321 Bodysnatchers (1956).

help share your passion about letter writing

Written by tamara stevens, BA

The unwritten “reality” of letter writing

You may wonder why I have chosen this title of this post. Well from my experience is that it is really hard to putrepparttar feeling into words about what letter writing means to me. Letter writing is becoming a lost art on many levels. It is fading intorepparttar 116278 background of society. It is still practised by many people. It is those people that I am looking to connect with. I have been told by many people whom have read my posts that they feelrepparttar 116279 same way about letter writing as I do. I want to hear from those people what they feel; I want to hear their words. I think that it is so important that we embracerepparttar 116280 things that we are passionate about. In this case, I want people from all walks of life, all overrepparttar 116281 world. Put a pen to paper that is letter writing; pen pals, snail mail whatever it is you call it and tell your story about what writing and receiving actual physical mail inrepparttar 116282 mail box means to you. For me I loverepparttar 116283 whole process from finding kwel and interesting stationary, note cards, ticklopes (they are so cute) to stickers, to colour full envelopes to tuckins to put inrepparttar 116284 envelopes. For me it is to make others happy to see a letter to them in their box.

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