My Children The Chefs

Written by Alyice Edrich

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My Children The Chefs By Alyice Edrich

My 13-year-old son is finally showing an interest in cooking and can you believe he cooks better than me?! The other night we were giving him a hard time because he made a sandwich for his friend, his sister, and himself and then commenced to eat in front of me and my husband. Did you catch that? He not once thought to ask us if we were hungry or even offer to make us a sandwich. We jokingly teased him about forgetting us. He just giggled and sheepishly said, “I was hungry.” Then he giggled again, finished his sandwich and went intorepparttar 111118 kitchen where he began scouringrepparttar 111119 refrigerator. When I asked him what he was doing, he said, “I’m going to cook you something to eat.” He asked his dad a couple of questions as he pulled everything out ofrepparttar 111120 cupboards and putrepparttar 111121 pan onrepparttar 111122 stove. With a bit of skepticism, he began making his very first meal. And to his surprise and ours, he cookedrepparttar 111123 most tender, tastiest chicken I have had in over a year! It was absolutely delicious. Not believing me, he asked for a bite of my chicken, and then asked if he could finish my plate. I, of course, reluctantly gave up my delicious meal. My daughter onrepparttar 111124 other hand—atrepparttar 111125 young age of 9—still has to learnrepparttar 111126 art of cooking. While she lovesrepparttar 111127 idea of cooking, she hasrepparttar 111128 patience of her mom—none. She throws things together without readingrepparttar 111129 directions and then looks on in disgust as her “creations” look more like mud pies than something eatable.

Top Ten Ways to be a Better Father

Written by Mark Brandenburg MA, CPCC

The expectations for fathers are increasing both at work and at home. Here are ten ways for fathers to be more effective inrepparttar most important job they’ll ever have:

1.See your kids as capable

The achilles heel of many fathers is to see their kids as “not good enough.” Your kids will feel this, and they’ll live up to these expectations. The more you approve of them,repparttar 111116 greater they’ll be!

2.Make time for your kids

There will always be more work, but you won’t always haverepparttar 111117 chance to be with your kids. Are there ways to include them in chores aroundrepparttar 111118 house? Your kids will know if they matter to you byrepparttar 111119 effort you make to include them in your day.

3.Use positive forms of discipline

Punishment is not very effective. It tends to create more ofrepparttar 111120 very behavior that fathers are seeking to eliminate. Use natural and logical consequences instead—if you don’t pick up your toys, they get put in a bag and taken away for awhile. Give them choices. Positive discipline methods help kids learn responsibility, punishment helps them learn to dislike you.

4.Have a great relationship with you wife

You arerepparttar 111121 main role model for your kids, and this isrepparttar 111122 main source of information for them about how to have a close relationship. They’re watching very closely to learn how to do it.

5.Be aware of your kids lives

How much do you really know about your kids? Are you aware of their hopes and dreams? Do you know what inspires them? Do you know their friends names? What they like and dislike about you? If there are things you don’t know about your kids, you can always ask!

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