One American City Defies THE Rule

Written by Copyright 2003, John Calder


Sociologists have been studyingrepparttar buying habits of American consumers for more than four decades. During this time period, study after study has shown that American consumers tend to follow certain patterns in their shopping behavior.

One such pattern that has been noted many times is what is often referred to asrepparttar 100894 "20-60-20 rule." There is no better way to describe this than to use an example of one test that was done to prove this rule.


The sociologists had set up a stage to testrepparttar 100895 buying behavior of consumers in a busy department store. What they did was rather fiendish once you step back to take a look atrepparttar 100896 test.

Inrepparttar 100897 department store, they had set up a small stage with three stoves side-by-side. On each machine, they put a tag, whichrepparttar 100898 customer was to take torepparttar 100899 cash register for completion of their purchase. Next, they trained their hidden cameras to focus onrepparttar 100900 stoves andrepparttar 100901 activities of those folks who contemplated purchasing any ofrepparttar 100902 machines. Additional hidden cameras were stationed atrepparttar 100903 checkout stand to correlaterepparttar 100904 purchaser torepparttar 100905 purchase.

Atrepparttar 100906 end of one month,repparttar 100907 sociologists gatheredrepparttar 100908 tags that were taken torepparttar 100909 cash register to makerepparttar 100910 determination as to which stoves were actually purchased.

This is where we exposerepparttar 100911 fiendish scheme of these sociologists andrepparttar 100912 purpose of their test. Each ofrepparttar 100913 three stoves was exactlyrepparttar 100914 same! The only difference betweenrepparttar 100915 three machines wererepparttar 100916 price differences onrepparttar 100917 stoves!

One was priced low, one was priced mid-range, andrepparttar 100918 other was priced expensive.

Without fail, 20% of all customers purchasedrepparttar 100919 most expensive machine shown. For these people, few tookrepparttar 100920 time to examine repparttar 100921 differences betweenrepparttar 100922 units. Again without fail, another 20% spent little time studyingrepparttar 100923 differences betweenrepparttar 100924 stoves, and then opted to buyrepparttar 100925 cheapest one shown.

The people who conductedrepparttar 100926 test were astonished to note that most people studiedrepparttar 100927 stoves with extreme care as if to learn repparttar 100928 difference betweenrepparttar 100929 machines. Even after taking a long time to studyrepparttar 100930 three machines, a full 60% of customers bought repparttar 100931 mid-priced range!

The sociologists drew two conclusions from their test.

1. They decided thatrepparttar 100932 majority ofrepparttar 100933 20% of consumers who would buyrepparttar 100934 most expensive item, andrepparttar 100935 majority ofrepparttar 100936 20% of consumers who would buyrepparttar 100937 cheapest item, cared only about price. 2. They decided thatrepparttar 100938 remainder were more interested in buying based on their perceived value ofrepparttar 100939 product. It was also determined that most of those who bought based onrepparttar 100940 perceived value ofrepparttar 100941 product, felt price was a factor in helping determinerepparttar 100942 value of a given product. They decided thatrepparttar 100943 customer felt thatrepparttar 100944 higher price was indicative of better value.

Power Linkers: "We're Everywhere YOU Want to Be!"

Written by Jack Humphrey

There is a certain credit card company that is famous forrepparttar slogan "We're Everywhere You Want To Be!"

That is a darn good slogan for Power Linkers, because it hits repparttar 100893 nail onrepparttar 100894 head. When you are marketing anything, of course your best bet is to reach every possible customer for your product with your message, right?

But if you are not a big multi-national corporation with millions of dollars to spend on flashy advertising, what are you going to do?

Well,repparttar 100895 internet is whererepparttar 100896 little guys have had equal footing withrepparttar 100897 big corporations fromrepparttar 100898 beginning. Remember repparttar 100899 big tech company crash when thousands of over-financed upstart internet companies wentrepparttar 100900 way ofrepparttar 100901 dodo? Who could forget that, right?

Those guys thought they could dominate on OUR turf if they threw money atrepparttar 100902 problem like they do inrepparttar 100903 offline world of television, radio, magazines, and newspapers. Andrepparttar 100904 experiment failed miserably. Only a few companies got through that fiasco, but not without some deep scars.

Allrepparttar 100905 while, people like me were watching and learning. And I realized then and there thatrepparttar 100906 battle for monster profits on repparttar 100907 web was going to be waged guerilla fashion.

Low budget, no budget,repparttar 100908 less money and more creativity involved,repparttar 100909 better! And that is how Power Linking was born. And that's why Power Linkers are "..everywhere you want to be."

If you putrepparttar 100910 science of linking to use in a massive, systematic way, by studying your potential customers' habits and using this knowledge to be "everywhere they surf," you cannot help but blow your competition out ofrepparttar 100911 water.

There are billions of web pages onrepparttar 100912 net. There are fewer super-high traffic places onrepparttar 100913 net, but still a pretty mind-boggling amount. How many of them are you on?

How many sites with over 1 million visitors a month link to your website? Did you even think that was possible until I askedrepparttar 100914 question?

How well do you know your customers and their surfing habits? If you sell horse blankets and many of your potential customers surfrepparttar 100915 #1 horse lovers site online, what can you do to get exposure for your site there?

And if you say "Spend money on advertising" I am going to ask you to re-read what you just read above!

Get it out of your head completely, right now and for good, that you have to have money to make money. That you have to make a huge investment in hard cash to getrepparttar 100916 exposure your site needs. That point could not have been made clearer byrepparttar 100917 tech crash!

And when you don't have money to lose onrepparttar 100918 mistakes already laid out before you on a silver platter, it is a cardinal sin to spend a DIME on advertising!

Power Linkers show up everywhere our customers go. At least, that isrepparttar 100919 goal. On your way to showing up absolutely everywhere your potential market will see you, you will become a millionaire. That's a flat fact. So I doubt many people get to testrepparttar 100920 theory to it's absolute end.

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