Outdoor Evangelism...Hosting a successful wild game feed at your church.

Written by David Lingner

"What started out as an event, has turned into a full fledged ministry of Southeast Christian Church... We knew this was going to be successful... but quite frankly,repparttar leaders ofrepparttar 126819 Church were amazed at how many men have come out ofrepparttar 126820 woodwork and become involved.” Ralph Swallows, Southeast Christian Church.... Louisville, KY

Recently I was speaking with Steve Chapman, author of several Christianbooks for men andrepparttar 126821 outdoors. We were discussing ways to userepparttar 126822 outdoors to reach men, and our conversation turned to “Wild Game Feed” events. Steve suggested I speak with Ralph Swallows andrepparttar 126823 outdoor men's ministry team from Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, KY who have initiated and directed a very successful ministry forrepparttar 126824 last four years...

“Our goal was to get the... “come to church for an hour and go home guy”, engaged." Statedrepparttar 126825 passionate Swallows. “We knew this church was full of men that had so much to offer... we just needed a vehicle to bring them torepparttar 126826 surface.” (Sounds a little like hunting to me...) Ralph gotrepparttar 126827 idea to do a Wild Game Feed at his church. "We began networking, rounding up a “core group” of outdoorsmen to head this thing up. We askedrepparttar 126828 men to commit to donatingrepparttar 126829 game, and to spreadrepparttar 126830 word around town." Ralph said. (The men agreed... besides, this gave themrepparttar 126831 perfect “spiritual” ammo they needed for their wives to let them go out hunting.) The results.. 460 men came torepparttar 126832 dinnerrepparttar 126833 first year, 700repparttar 126834 second year, year three 900, and they are shooting for 1500+ this year. Consider this... 30-40% ofrepparttar 126835 men attending are not affiliated withrepparttar 126836 Church.

What have they done to make this event such a success? First, they make a strong effort to be sure guests are made to feel welcome. Chris Hadley, one ofrepparttar 126837 core group members, co-ordinatesrepparttar 126838 hospitality greeters and ushers. “We do our best to communicaterepparttar 126839 love ofrepparttar 126840 Lord to every man who comes.” Hadley said.

In addition torepparttar 126841 great feast, they also provide booths for organizations like, Hunters forrepparttar 126842 Hungry, Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, etc. Church member Roger LaPointe heads uprepparttar 126843 community relations aspect ofrepparttar 126844 game feed, promoting community support and involvement. “We contact local retailers asking them to donate giveaways we present atrepparttar 126845 end ofrepparttar 126846 program... That keepsrepparttar 126847 men holding on tillrepparttar 126848 end.” LaPointe added.

God's Great Outdoors... brings out the real man inside

Written by David Lingner

As we were sitting there eatingrepparttar fixin'srepparttar 126818 girls brought out to us "hard working men", I was observing Riley, Devon's old Golden Retriever. I said, "I bet Riley really likes it out here inrepparttar 126819 country." Devon responded, "You know, since we moved out here I've really seen his natural instincts come torepparttar 126820 surface." I sat and thought about that for a minute, and replied, "You know what Devon, itsrepparttar 126821 same for men..."

Recently I was visiting my brother in-law Devon Rolf, a patent attorney with Garmin International (Most of you outdoorsmen know Garmin by their handheld GPS units and fishfinders). Our families were getting together,repparttar 126822 girls catching up onrepparttar 126823 news inside whilerepparttar 126824 guys (Devon, me and three of my sons) were out workin' inrepparttar 126825 woods. A few years ago Devon moved out on some acreage outside of town, and we were clearing some walking trails... no doubt we were checking out allrepparttar 126826 signs of deer activity while we were out... rubs, scrapes, droppings, etc. My 8 year old son Christian found a nice antler from a 12 point buck out there. He wants to mount it somehow in his room to hang stuff on.

After we were done with our work, we sat down inrepparttar 126827 pasture to rest a bit. (You know how good it feels to sit and rest after doing some good ol' hard work.) The girls, anxiously awaiting our appearance, spied us sitting there from insiderepparttar 126828 house and they (My wife Nancy and our two daughters, and her sister Becky and her four daughters) promptly brought out some soup, homemade wheat bread with butter, and refreshments. (The men are teachingrepparttar 126829 boys to work, andrepparttar 126830 women are teachingrepparttar 126831 girls to blessrepparttar 126832 men... ain't thatrepparttar 126833 way it should be?) As we were sitting there eatingrepparttar 126834 fixin'srepparttar 126835 girls brought out to us "hard working men", I was observing Riley, Devon's old Golden Retriever. I said, "I bet Riley really likes it out here inrepparttar 126836 country." Devon responded, "You know, since we moved out here I've really seen his natural instincts come torepparttar 126837 surface." I sat and thought about that for a minute, and replied, "You know what Devon, itsrepparttar 126838 same for men..."

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