Overview of Bextra - FDA Recalled Drug

Written by T.Going

Bextra, also known as valdecoxib, is a prescription medicine known as a COX-2 Inhibitor. Like Vioxx and Celebrex, it supposedly lessenrepparttar pain of inflammation and fever without causing stomach irritation common to aspirin and other NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs). Pharmaceutical corporation Pfizer released Bextra in 2001, and prescription sales soon rose to 3.2 billion dollars.

Bextra is used to take care of an assortment of different conditions, including arthritis, menstrual cramps, and other types of chronic inflammation or low level pain. Pfizer discovered in 2002 that Bextra offered an elevated risk of serious skin irritation duringrepparttar 113529 beginning stages of treatment. Also, during a complicated heart procedure called coronary artery bypass graft, certain patients who had also taken Bextra developed serious heart problems. Bextra also created a heightened risk

"Top 7 Tips to Help You Quickly Eliminate Stress, Frustration and Road Rage... Forever!"

Written by Alex Hunter

"Top 7 Tips to Help You Quickly Eliminate Stress, Frustration and Road Rage... Forever!"

Every day, twice a day, tens-of-millions of people experience a stressful, frustrating commute, which can and does lead to violent road rage. These 7 tips will aid you in having a more enjoyable driving experience as well as help eliminate stress, frustration and road rage... Starting today!

1) Let faster drivers by 2) Get slower drivers attention early on 3) Drive with your headlights on 4) Safely pass by slower vehicles 5) At least match speeds when able before changing lanes 6) Don't over decelerate 7) Understand why other drivers driverepparttar way they do (Reference: 'The Power of Driving')

...There's more FREE Tips at www.RushHourRelief.com/FreeTips.html

(Current list size = 10 Tips)

You can easily prevent a large portion of your driving stress and frustration with these 7 simple tips...

You can eliminate even more withrepparttar 113528 supporting Special Report 'How To Eliminate Frustration and Vanquish Road Rage Forever!' and e-book 'The Power of Driving; How To Prevent 41,000+ Americans From Dying Every Year!'

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