Power Up On Lentils

Written by Susan Rutter

They're notrepparttar prettiest pods onrepparttar 115395 planet, but lentils more than make up for their plain, pellet-like appearance with nutritional punch. In fact, they come close to beingrepparttar 115396 perfect food - nourishing, inexpensive, and low in calories, fat and cholesterol. Lentils contain good amounts of phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, thiamine, copper, niacin and Vitamin B6. They're an important source of potassium and a good source of iron. Eating lentils with foods rich in Vitamin C, such as bell peppers, tomatoes and citrus fruits or juices, helpsrepparttar 115397 body absorb its iron more efficiently. And lentils provide more folic acid than any other unfortified food. Your body needs folic acid (Vitamin B9) to produce red blood cells as well as norepinephrine and serotonin (chemical components ofrepparttar 115398 nervous system). Though rich in protein, lentils lack one: methionine. Serve or cook lentils with grains, eggs, nuts, seeds, meat or dairy products for complete protein. The most common kinds of lentils found in Western-style supermarkets are unhusked green or brown ones. The smaller, rounder, husked red or Egyptian lentil is also widely available.

Five Pathways to Listening to Your Inner Voice

Written by Claudette Rowley

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Word Count: 1041 words, 65 characters per line

Thanks, Claudette Rowley ==============

Five Pathways to Listening to Your Inner Voice

By Claudette Rowley Copyright 2003

Is your life out of sync with your priorities? Do you feel like you're a hamster running on a wheel? Have you forgotten who you are?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, read on. Learn to listen to your inner voice -repparttar 115394 essence of who you are - by following these five steps:

1. Check in with your heart.

Social conditioning teaches us to be logical and "use our heads". When you only use your head, your experience of yourself andrepparttar 115395 world is limited. You miss out onrepparttar 115396 vital informationrepparttar 115397 rest of your body, heart and soul is giving you.

Benefits: The same neurological tissue found inrepparttar 115398 brain is found inrepparttar 115399 heart. The heart is a second "brain" and our emotional center. Listening to your head and your heart is crucial to good decision-making about your life, your business and your relationships.

New Focus: Put your hand over your heart and focus there - what is it telling you?

2. Connect with your body.

Your body gives you a tremendous amount of useful information that you may not be conscious of. For example, when your mother-in-law visits, does your stomach tie up in knots? When your boss yells at you, do your shoulders turn into stone? When you feel passionate and alive, does your chest feel warm and open? When we ignorerepparttar 115400 body's message, we lose out on valuable information designed to let us what works for us and what doesn't.

Benefits: For many people, fear manifests as a tightness in their chest. This is valuable information, especially if you aren't aware that you are afraid. Your body alerts you to what makes feels passionate and what doesn't. The body is a fount of wisdom designed to tell you when you're on repparttar 115401 right path and when you aren't.

New Focus: Noticerepparttar 115402 messages your body is giving you right now. Try a self-massage to find areas in your back, neck or shoulders that are tense or knotted. What other areas of your body feel tight? Which ones feel relaxed and loose? Use this information as another key to listening to your inner wisdom.

3. Listen to your intuition.

Intuition is simply knowing something without knowing exactly how you know it. Connect back to a time that you had a "gut feeling" about something -repparttar 115403 job that you knew you shouldn't take, even though it looked good onrepparttar 115404 surface orrepparttar 115405 relationship that just felt right for you. That's your intuition talking to you.

Benefits: Gut feelings are a wealth of information. Remember, your intuition is never wrong, although your interpretation of it may be incorrect. When your intuition calls to you, trust it. Practice makes perfect when it comes to using your intuition effectively.

New Focus: The next time you need to make a decision, check in with your intuition. Experiment with trusting it. When you follow your intuition, what happens? When you hear it and disregard it, what'srepparttar 115406 outcome?

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