Power Wheelchair Criticized

Written by Kay Zetkin

On February 5, 2005,repparttar Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released a draft on criteria for power wheelchairs and scooters coverage. These criteria will rely on clinical guidance for determining need. The new analysis begins with an assessment ifrepparttar 143551 beneficiary has a mobility limitation preventing him/her from performing one or more mobility-related activities, like household chores at home.

This evaluation also considers ifrepparttar 143552 use of assistive device – whether a simple cane or a sophisticated power wheelchair or anything in between would improverepparttar 143553 beneficiary’s ability to function withinrepparttar 143554 home. Taking into account visual or mental impairment,repparttar 143555 criteria further evaluates what would affectrepparttar 143556 beneficiary’s ability to userepparttar 143557 mobility equipment (power wheelchair) effectively.

According torepparttar 143558 CMS Chief Medical Officer Sean Tunis, M.D.,repparttar 143559 draft of coverage criteria was intended to provide a clear and consistent guidance to Medicare contractors and clinician. This guide will ensure that beneficiaries receiverepparttar 143560 type of mobility device that will provide clinical benefits. Tunis wasrepparttar 143561 one who spearheadedrepparttar 143562 agency’s move to a more functional assessment of mobility needs.

CMS also released new codes to ensure proper payment. These plans were outlined inrepparttar 143563 Modern Mobility Initiative announced last April. They are also launching new billing codes for power wheelchairs and scooters to ensure that Medicare pays appropriately for these devices.

The final NCD is planned to be published in March to provide guidance on how to use and documentrepparttar 143564 new criteria. However, these efforts ofrepparttar 143565 CMS were criticized byrepparttar 143566 Medicare Rights Center, saying thatrepparttar 143567 new wheelchair coverage policy does not provide mobility and independence for disabled and impaired people. The new approach of Medicare’s proposed coverage criteria would replace an older, more rigid standard that relied on whether a patient was “non-ambulatory” or “bed or chair confined”. The new proposed criteria would rely on clinical guidance for evaluating whether a beneficiary needs a device to assist for mobility, and if so, what type of device is needed.

Torque of a Power Wheelchair

Written by Kay Zetkin

If you find yourself wheelchair bound for a while or even for a long time to come and is still determined to lead a happily active and vigorous way of life, there are certain wheelchairs guaranteed to help you. Your effort to lead a normal and active life involvesrepparttar need for a sporty and highly responsive power chair. There are wheelchairs specifically designed for you in certain cases and based onrepparttar 143550 advice of a health care professional.

The ActionTorque™ Storm Series ® chair isrepparttar 143551 “performance machine” ofrepparttar 143552 Storm Series, is a power wheelchair that’s designed to be sporty and highly responsive. It has a seat-to-floor height of 17.5” with an optional adjustment until 19.75”. It’s ground clearance is approximately 5”.

The Torque differs fromrepparttar 143553 Action Arrow ® chair because its seat is positioned farther forward. This feature gives it a very light front end and extremely responsive performance forrepparttar 143554 specific individual needing such. Other features ofrepparttar 143555 Torque, different from other series include: its rear-wheel drive Action Torque chair has a turning radius as low as 29.5”. Adjustments torepparttar 143556 rear-wheel could be made to optimizerepparttar 143557 chair’s performance.

The Torque power chair is built with MarkIV-RII electronics and has a programmable performance to meet individual needs. One of its programmable capacities is through Action Virtual Services. This powerful software links your electrical system to expert help via a standard phone line. The Torque has a maximum speed of up to 6.5 mph with Positive Response Steering (PRS). PRS offers smooth control forrepparttar 143558 user at all speeds. Automatic parking bakes also come with direct drive motors.

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