Powerful Tactic Produces Big Traffic Payback

Written by John Gergye

Copyright 2005 John Gergye

Okay so I was dead wrong. Not even close. But who knew?

So just what wasrepparttar misconception of epic proportions I was working under?

Well, you see, I mistakenly assumed that most everyone clearly understoodrepparttar 108626 importance of link text. You knowrepparttar 108627 clickable part of your link? Orrepparttar 108628 part of your linking info that usually appears in blue and leads off most reciprocal links.

So much so, I felt revisiting this topic would be a total waste of time.

Guess not. Because it seems most still don’t get it.

That’s right. Apparently most don’t understand how critical this collection of choice words can be to their search engine marketing success. Even thoughrepparttar 108629 traffic payback can be huge.

So you can forget doing anything clever to make sure your listing shows up nearrepparttar 108630 top of a links page - no matter how many links were onrepparttar 108631 page before yours. (Which can easily be done byrepparttar 108632 way.) Looks like most need a refresher course onrepparttar 108633 basics of what link text to use to begin with.

Link Text – The Study

Now I base this observation on an admittedly small bit of research I did recently while looking for link partners. Out of about 40 potential linking candidates I found that when it comes to link text

• 3 used their URL • 7 used their site name • 13 used some non keyword focused descriptor like “Vision Training for Tennis” when their site was about tennis fitness.

Merciful Minerva! In other words more than HALF of these active link traders got it wrong!

And trust me. I was exceedingly generous when it came to awarding style points for getting it right. Or for that matter, even close to right.

Thinking there was something weird about that first group, I looked at some more. Hmmmm. Same thing. Again more than half used less-than-helpful link text. Leaving me to conclude that when it comes to link text most cheerfully ignore their primary keyword phrase altogether. Evidently oblivious to just how important that is.

Hello! You listening?

Five Ways to Profit from Using Video Online

Written by Liz Micik

Copyright 2005 Liz Micik

The newest media wave to hitrepparttar online shore is video. Individual emails abound with links to "the funniest video ever," or blurry clips of new babies or birthday parties.

Businesses, onrepparttar 108625 other hand, have largely been left standing onrepparttar 108626 shore, scratching their heads and wondering if there's any real value to be earned from diving into making their own live video broadcasts, video emails or video on demand infommercials. Here are just five ofrepparttar 108627 many ways video adds torepparttar 108628 bottom line of any company.

1. People remember more of your message While people generally remember 10% of what they read and 20% of what they hear. But, they'll remember as much as 50% of what they see and hear together. Before anyone can act on your message, they need to process and remember it.

2. Increase responses by up to 30% A call to action is much easier to follow if it is actively delivered. Sound and motion are powerful action drivers, especially when they are delivered by your sincere enthusiasm and passion for your topic. Companies who have maderepparttar 108629 switch to video email and on- demand broadcasts have reported response rates jump as much as 30% following a broadcast.

3. Build your credibility People do business with people they know, like and trust. When you cut throughrepparttar 108630 technological barriers ofrepparttar 108631 Internet and put yourself online, you put "your self onrepparttar 108632 line" as far as viewers are concerned. The time it would normally take you to build a relationship with a potential customer can be dramatically shortened as a result.

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