Psychology of Success

Written by John F. Giagkiozis

You must understand You are already a Success, and before you think I’m crazy read further you’ll getrepparttar point.

Have you Ever wondered what isrepparttar 103423 thing you personally call success? What makes you feel good about yourself, is it to be rich to be famous to be approved by people to be loved or even to be hated?

It is strange but most people never ask themselves to definerepparttar 103424 thing, they call success. They have a disjointed picture of what they want in their brain so it is natural forrepparttar 103425 outcome to be rather unpleasant. The success here is that you do have an outcome and you are responsible for this, you created your liferepparttar 103426 way it is today.

8 Procedures to Take Control of Sales and Marketing

Written by Chris Anderson

The Cash to Cash Cycle Part Three of Series

Part One: Inventory

Part Two: Accounts Receivable

Next Week: Accounts Payable

We’re sprinting toward that million dollar mark...and we’re only a couple strides away…

Decreasing inventory carried us overrepparttar first hurdle, and last week reducing Accounts Receivable sped us throughrepparttar 103422 half-way mark. We’re making great time, so let’s bring onrepparttar 103423 next mile marker – marketing and sales.

Increasing Overall Sales and Marketing Effectiveness

If you are an organization spending $500,000 or more on marketing expenses (e.g. advertising, trade shows, print materials, direct mail, etc.) then STOP! We found it again. Why you ask…? Because marketing hasrepparttar 103424 greatest potential of being very unproductive. In fact, many marketing programs struggle to break even, and actually frequently lose money. So if we increaserepparttar 103425 overall effectiveness, then we can eliminate 50% or more of your wasted marketing efforts, which translates into $250,000 in cash.

So now, let’s see how this actually works in a real-life scenario.

Sales and Marketing Company Policy Case Study

An organization with $500,000 in marketing expenses needed assistance. We examined their sales and marketing process to understand and quantifyrepparttar 103426 lead flow, follow-up, and demand forecasting issues. Then we designed and implemented a process to improve their sales cycle efficiency and tie it closer to their customer’s buying cycles. Afterrepparttar 103427 marketing reductions, we then reinvested $100,000 back into new processes for public relations and Customer Relationship Management (CRM), both of which were suffering badly.

The metrics we developed reduced their marketing expenses by 60% overall and increased their sales cycle efficiency from 40% to 60% within 6 months of implementingrepparttar 103428 new procedures. With these new processes and reports,repparttar 103429 company now tracks sales cycle efficiency and life-time value rather than just sales quota achievement, asrepparttar 103430 measure of their sales & marketing effectiveness. The result: an extra $300,000 in cash plus a 50% increase in process capability (capacity).

As we have seen time and time again, time can be our best friend, if only we let it.

Methods to Designrepparttar 103431 New Sales & Marketing Process

Improve Follow-up. Only about two percent (2%) of sales occur onrepparttar 103432 first contact. Eighty percent (80%) of sales will require five to eight contacts beforerepparttar 103433 sale closes. This means that if you are contactingrepparttar 103434 prospect less than five times or more than eight times, then you could have a problem with follow-up.

Sales Cycle Efficiency. Time kills deals. The speed at which a prospect is converted into a customer andrepparttar 103435 number of prospects required to make that conversion determines your sales cycle efficiency. So ask yourself, are you takingrepparttar 103436 right steps to measure and reduce lost sales?

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