Real Soy Sauce

Written by Dr. Donald A. Miller

When I was growing up, I thought soy sauce was salty water with dark coloring and some secret soy and wheat stuff mixed in. That's because my parents did not know any better than to buy LaChoy brand.

Some ofrepparttar cheapy stuff from China is not any better.

Oriental friends introduced me to real home cooked delights that one never finds in a typical Chinese or Japanese restaurant in this country. They even introduced me to authentic ethnic restaurants.

I gradually learned that there is a tremendous variety in Soy Sauce, whether made with added wheat (Shoyu) or without (Tamari). Some connoisseurs spend as much time studyingrepparttar 115424 character of soy sauces as others do on wines.

Eggs are healthful!

Written by Dr. Donald A. Miller

After years of bad press, new studies show that eggs have been give a bum rap. If eggs are served without fatty sausage or bacon, no buttery toast, and cooked without fat, eggs are actually quite nutritious and safe. It's easy to boil an egg, or "fry" in a non-stick pan with a cover and a spoon or so of water.

Don't rule outrepparttar toast. And even a small amount of butter or margarine can help prevent hunger between meals. But be very careful to avoid margarine made with hydrogenated oils or "trans fatty acids".

Don't make deviled eggs with mayonnaise, but try low fat yogurt instead.

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