Retailing Comes of Age

Written by John Stanley

Have you been to buy any dog food lately? Do you rememberrepparttar days when you just picked it up inrepparttar 140433 supermarket and kept walking?

Walk into any pet “box store” today and it’s a whole new experience. Prior to purchasing today’s canine’s lunch, you need to knowrepparttar 140434 age and size of your dog. If you don’t know these two critical facts,repparttar 140435 shopping experience could be a very frustrating one. In a store I recently visited inrepparttar 140436 UK,repparttar 140437 actual merchandising was based onrepparttar 140438 age ofrepparttar 140439 dog. Generational marketing has hitrepparttar 140440 pet store.

Generational Marketing! Generational marketing is big business,repparttar 140441 days of targeting lifestyle groups is being replaced by setting your store up to market to a specific age group. Toy retailers and some bookstores have been into generational marketing for many years, as hasrepparttar 140442 fashion industry, but this concept of marketing is now spreading across all retail sectors.

So how do you split up your merchandising to attract specific age groups? Firstly, what groups are out there that you need to be aware of?

Generational Marketing- The Main Groups Researchers are now splittingrepparttar 140443 community into very specific age groups for marketing purposes.

Generation Y This group are today’s teenagers and those in their very early twenties. They are very specific in their purchasing decisions and need to perceive a retail business and its product range as “cool.” It is difficult to integraterepparttar 140444 desires of this group into most retail stores and as a result, in many retail sectors, companies have set up specific stores just to attract this target group.

Music, mood, colour and style are all very specific to this group to ensure they haverepparttar 140445 right retail experience.

Generation X,repparttar 140446 IKEA Babies This mid twenties to mid thirties age group is a big “power house” when it comes to buying. IKEA,repparttar 140447 Swedish furniture lifestyle company built a global business targeting this group and as a result, their founder is nowrepparttar 140448 richest man inrepparttar 140449 world.

IKEA babies are happy to spend for value. Their idea of value is that it is a lifestyle statement that literally comes in a box. They can take it home and create an instant statement. They are looking for lifestyle fashion statements and expectrepparttar 140450 retailer they frequent to be in tune withrepparttar 140451 latest fashion colours, styles and trends.

This computer literate group expects quality customer service. Talk down to them and you’ll probably lose them for life.

The Jones Generation This 35 to 49 year old age group is a busy lot, they want an experience when they go shopping, but are time poor and if you waste their time you’ll be crossed off their visit list.

They are experimenters; they are shopping for new and exciting ideas and quickly get bored with retailers who, in their view, are not keeping them entertained with new ideas and new ways of putting old products together.

Presentrepparttar 140452 right products to them and they are prepared to Do It themselves (D.I.Y) A recent survey inrepparttar 140453 UK inrepparttar 140454 home improvement sector indicated they are still prepared to spend large amounts of money onrepparttar 140455 D.I.Y sector.

Do you have a picture of YOUR customer?

Written by By John Stanley

I was recently working with a retail client and was discussing their merchandise strategy with their display manager. I askedrepparttar person about two products onrepparttar 140432 same display and who would buy them. The display manager mentioned that one ofrepparttar 140433 products would, in their view, be purchased by 65 year-old woman, whilstrepparttar 140434 product next to it would be purchased by a 25 year-old woman.

Wasrepparttar 140435 display working? I’m afraid not. Why wasn't it working? Becauserepparttar 140436 person buildingrepparttar 140437 display did not start with a picture ofrepparttar 140438 consumer in mind.

Generational marketing In recent months there have been number of articles inrepparttar 140439 press about generational marketing. What does this mean? It means that as a retailer you need to consider who to target. Is it Generation Y (15-25 year-olds), Generation X (25-35 year-olds),repparttar 140440 Jones’ Generation (35-49 year-olds), Baby Boomers (50-65 year-olds), or Greying Tigers (over 65 years-old).

A flick through a glossy magazine will soon reveal that marketers are very defined on who their target is and presentrepparttar 140441 pictorial or promotion accordingly. But, it’s more than marketers gettingrepparttar 140442 message across, it’s display teams understandingrepparttar 140443 message and merchandising accordingly.

The challenges This does present some challenges. Traditionally, merchandisers have presented products to consumers based on specific categories i.e. placing all of one series of products together. But is thisrepparttar 140444 answer inrepparttar 140445 future?

Some retailers have an easy task. They have refined their retailing to already attract one specific age group and can merchandise accordingly. The real challenge occurs when you are a retailer who needs to attract customers from across a wide band of age groups.

If you fall into this latter category, then there is a real argument for splitting up product categories based on target age groups.

Inrepparttar 140446 scenario mentioned atrepparttar 140447 beginning of this article,repparttar 140448 merchandiser had builtrepparttar 140449 display based on an overall product category. The result, in my opinion, was that all age groups were put off, becauserepparttar 140450 display did not appeal to any specific age group.

The display manager would have had more success if she had built a display based on a specific age group.

One of my clients, a German gift company, now segments its product range based on age. Each segmented display is supported by a promotional board that features a person enjoyingrepparttar 140451 product experience fromrepparttar 140452 selected age group. The result is displays in store target selected age groups to specific areas inrepparttar 140453 store. This does mean that more space is required in store to “sellrepparttar 140454 picture” butrepparttar 140455 end result is increased sales per square metre.

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