Scientists Declaration about The Holy Quran and Islam-Gerald C. Goeringer

Written by Gerald C. Goeringer

Sheikh cAbdul-Majeed A.Zindanī met with Professor Goeringer and asked him whether inrepparttar history of embryology was there any mention ofrepparttar 127690 different stages of embryonic development, or whether there existed any embryological texts atrepparttar 127691 time ofrepparttar 127692 Prophet. Sheikh Zindanī also asked his opinion regardingrepparttar 127693 termsrepparttar 127694 Qur'ān uses to describerepparttar 127695 different phases of fetal development. After several long discussions, he presented a study atrepparttar 127696 8th Saudi Medical Conference:

"...In a relatively

The Heart

Written by Mohammad Ali Abid

Question: Isrepparttar heartrepparttar 127689 centre of prudence and insights in human being? If it was so, what happens when hearts are transplanted or in cases of Artificial hearts, and isrepparttar 127690 heart which is mentioned in Quran and Sunna is this known physical heart? Answer: Today morning only I gotrepparttar 127691 answer which I have been searching for since a long time we having tracing all materials and news which may quench our search and give usrepparttar 127692 answer. We have sent one of our brothers torepparttar 127693 center of Artificial hearts operations in America. He requested them to speak torepparttar 127694 patients. They told him that it is not allowed. They asked him why does he want to speak to them. He said that he wants to meetrepparttar 127695 patients and ask them some questions. Then what happened is that those who are in charge as ofrepparttar 127696 center became annoyed. They did not understand why does he want to speak torepparttar 127697 patients? They informed him that whatever information he wants it will be given to him by them. However he told them that Allah would reveal a matter which would be a miracle. It will be a scientific and miraculous break through that would berepparttar 127698 subject of discussion inrepparttar 127699 next years. He told them that, if Allah wills, they will see and remember. They continued to trace and follow up allrepparttar 127700 news and day a teacher inrepparttar 127701 University of King Abdel Aziz asked me if I had heardrepparttar 127702 news asked him what wasrepparttar 127703 news. He said that it was discovered thatrepparttar 127704 heart is not just a pump of blood, but it is alsorepparttar 127705 center of intellect and prudence. He said Allah is great. He askedrepparttar 127706 teacher to show himrepparttar 127707 source ofrepparttar 127708 news. He gave himrepparttar 127709 news papering whichrepparttar 127710 news were published and it is still with me. Days passed and center of heart operation and artificial hearts was opened in Jordan. We considered

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