Search Engines: Tips and Strategies on Getting Listed and Ranking High for Newbies

Written by Theresa Carter

You’ve got a website. You’ve put countless hours into it, tweakingrepparttar look and feel and making sure allrepparttar 105817 links work. The bad news is there are a gazillion other websites out there. The good news is there are many things you can control to make sure your site isn’t lost inrepparttar 105818 morass of dot coms.

One ofrepparttar 105819 most important is showing up inrepparttar 105820 search engines, and getting listed inrepparttar 105821 top 20 for your subject. This article coversrepparttar 105822 steps you can take within your site.

First things first: Just like there’s no “get rich quick”, there’s also no “get listed quick” (unless you pay for it).

Getting top listings inrepparttar 105823 search engines is an accomplishment. It gets you traffic and it gets you credibility. You can buy sponsored listings – you can’t buy credibility.

Always Remember: Search engines base their usefulness onrepparttar 105824 quality ofrepparttar 105825 results they give. You want people who are searching for your product to find your site; they want people who are searching for your product to find relevant sites. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is all about making sure you both get what you want.

SEO requires many steps. They pay off, but not immediately. Once you’re “spidered” you’ll seerepparttar 105826 effects of changes you make pretty quickly, but getting “spidered” (sorry to allrepparttar 105827 arachnophobes) can take awhile.

Spidered: Search engines search sites throughoutrepparttar 105828 entire World Wide Web (if that sounds a lot like Sally searching for seashells byrepparttar 105829 seashore, it’s intentional). But, to search for your site, they have to know you’re there. So, these benevolent spiders send their hairy arms searching throughrepparttar 105830 Web and whatever sticks to their spindly legs they keep.

If you create a web these spiders might want to visit, this process gets you a more desirable string on their web. You want to create a spa for spiders.

Keywords, Keywords, Keywords

Think about it: how do you search for something onrepparttar 105831 Internet? You put in a few words that say succinctly what you’re searching for, i.e. downtown Chicago restaurants.

So, when you design or revamp your site, considerrepparttar 105832 keywords anyone would use to find what you offer. The beauty ofrepparttar 105833 Internet isrepparttar 105834 ability to target niche markets. You don’t need a gazillion hits a month. You need people who are searching for YOUR product to find YOUR site. To illustraterepparttar 105835 above example: if you search for “downtown Chicago restaurants” in Google, isrepparttar 105836 first listing. If you look for “Chicago Restaurants” it’s aways downrepparttar 105837 list. But that’s perfect. Because The Local Tourist only lists restaurants in downtown Chicago. If The Local Tourist had a high listing for Chicago Restaurants, then someone looking for a place to eat in one ofrepparttar 105838 outlying neighborhoods would be disappointed, and we don’t want that.

By focusing on your niche keywords, on your target market’s desires, you’re forced to evaluate what you have to offer andrepparttar 105839 best way to present it. When you designed your product or service, you (hopefully) hadrepparttar 105840 end-user in mind. So you know what they want.

As you’re starting out, don’t userepparttar 105841 most popular keywords; use ones that don’t get as many searches because there won’t be as much competition. You’re just trying to establish a presence. A good resource to findrepparttar 105842 popularity of keywords is Type inrepparttar 105843 keywords you think people would use to find your work and this tool will show you how many people have searched for it inrepparttar 105844 previous month through Overture. Google searches are approximately 12x that number.

Scope Out Your Competition

Go to your favorite search engines and type in your chosen keywords. Now visitrepparttar 105845 top three for each set of keywords from each search engine. Try to figure out how they got such high listings.

An easy way to keep track of this reconnaissance work is to create a simple spreadsheet and use a different worksheet for each search term. You’ll want to have a row for each ofrepparttar 105846 following:

1. Search term

2. Search engine

3. Your ranking: a. If I’m not inrepparttar 105847 top 50, I simply write that. b. Add a date next torepparttar 105848 ranking so you can track your movement uprepparttar 105849 listings

4. Overture traffic (number of times term was searched for last month)

5. Repeatrepparttar 105850 following 3 times, forrepparttar 105851 top 3 listings: a. Listing URL b. Title c. Description d. Keywords

When you visit each of your competitor’s sites, you’re going to use a wonderful tool called Source Code. Copy and paste their URL into your spreadsheet, then in your browser click on View…Source. A new window opens with their HTML. (I always feel a little dirty when I do this, like I’m a voyeur or a spy, which I guess I am. That being said, it’s completely legit.)

The Secret of Search Engine Optimization

Written by Peter Faber

How to do search engine optimization is one ofrepparttar best kept secrets inrepparttar 105816 world. Even though you would think it is all out there in forums and other websites, when you try to figure it out, you will find you can’t findrepparttar 105817 forest forrepparttar 105818 trees.

Let me put it plain and simple. The secret of search engine optimization is not about keywords, or titles, or meta keyword tags, or meta descriptions, or heading tags, or keyword density, or alt attributes, or what ever other on-the-page factor you can find. Even links aren’trepparttar 105819 secret.

The real secret of search engine optimization is Harmony!

Harmony between allrepparttar 105820 factors I just mentioned and many more other factors as well. And that is exactly why it is not easy to find a great SEO company for your website. Every SEO can talk aboutrepparttar 105821 importance of a title, or any ofrepparttar 105822 other factors, but try finding one that talks about how it all works together.

Harmony isrepparttar 105823 real power of SEO and it needs to be supported by lots of hard work, especially focused on link building. But here too harmony comes into play.

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