Secret Grant Money!

Written by Sean Labrock

The art of researching, writing and being awarded grants has evolved into a competitive sport in recent years. There is one area, though, that gets very little attention.

These arerepparttar corporate grants that are offered by thousands of large and mid-sized companies aroundrepparttar 148966 United States andrepparttar 148967 world.

Did you know that Wal-Mart, Coca-Cola, and Allstate Insurance all offer grants? It’srepparttar 148968 same with Microsoft, Sears and Sprint.

The list is ridiculous, and many completely overlookrepparttar 148969 immense opportunities in grants from private companies.

How to Find Them The website features twenty ofrepparttar 148970 largest companies offering corporate grants. The site also includes links torepparttar 148971 pages ofrepparttar 148972 company websites which explainrepparttar 148973 details and requirements for procuring one of these grants.

Even more can be found using clever search engine tactics.

How to Write Them Applying for corporate grants is a little different than applying for government grants. With corporate grants you may want to make your case on a more personal level.

Why Write Down Your Ideas?

Written by Robert F. Abbott

Whether you're a manager, professional, or entrepreneur you need to think ahead. When you do it in a formal sense, it's called it planning, when you do it informally it's something like speculating.

Whether you're planning or speculating,repparttar exercise represents justrepparttar 148606 tip ofrepparttar 148607 iceberg. Forrepparttar 148608 plans or scenarios to amount to something, they have to be implemented. In turn, that usually involves other people.

Which takes us torepparttar 148609 subject of communication: How do you convert those ideas in your head into instructions or position papers or even real plans?

I recommend writing, as inrepparttar 148610 sense of spending at least a few minutes to putrepparttar 148611 ideas to paper. Several benefits come out ofrepparttar 148612 writing process:

First, you'll force yourself to clarify what you're doing and what you want others to do. As long as an idea remains in our heads, it's not made accountable, so to speak. We don't subject our ideas to rigorous scrutiny when they're just thoughts.

But, when we write out an idea,repparttar 148613 strengths and weaknesses show up rather quickly; we force ourselves to look atrepparttar 148614 idea more critically. When I wroterepparttar 148615 publishing plan for Abbott's Communication Letter, for example,repparttar 148616 writing process uncovered many key issues.

But, writing it down assumes even greater importance when we need to communicate with others. Since most thoughts forrepparttar 148617 future are inherently complex or uncertain, a written version of your plan enables you to explain much more.

As you've probably noticed, you can't really deal with much complexity verbally, unless you're making a speech or presentation. In face-to-face communication, for example, a train of thought often gets derailed by questions or interjections byrepparttar 148618 other person.

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