Sewing As A Part Time Income

Written by Mary Wilkins

Many of us have contemplated sewing for a source of part-time income. I, myself sold children's designs for a few years, along with doing repairs and alterations. I found it very satisfying, but hardly a dependable source of income.

Part ofrepparttar reason for this I think, wasrepparttar 116268 ever present threat of someone else doingrepparttar 116269 same work for less. Many women find it hard to charge a decent amount for their work. A lady in our community constructed an unlined jacket for someone for ten dollars. I was made to look like a very high priced villain. A simple alteration costs more than that.

If you are contemplating sewing for any sort of income, please check around to what others are charging. You may be selling yourself short. You may also be surprised to seerepparttar 116270 quality ofrepparttar 116271 work involved. I have been surprised to see very shoddy workmanship with some while others work tirelessly for a few paltry dollars. Always make sure all your threads are neatly tucked under and secured. Perfect your buttonholes, collar points, even hemming can become an art. Make surerepparttar 116272 inside of your garments are as well finished asrepparttar 116273 outside. I was told many years ago that this wasrepparttar 116274 sign of a quality garment.

If you have doubts as to your ability to work with certain fabrics, buy remnants and experiment. Velvets and satins are tricky. Sewing for others duringrepparttar 116275 holiday season or a special occasion (think wedding)can be a nightmare. It is better to turnrepparttar 116276 job down until you are more confident in your skills and have a good idea of how long it will take you to completerepparttar 116277 job. Weddings can be a very emotional time forrepparttar 116278 bride, her mother and attendants. I sold fabrics to a bride who had absolutely no say in anything. Her mother was running that show. They tried to scrimp by with barely enough fabric to save money. The bride came back weeks later, practically in tears, needing more ofrepparttar 116279 same fabric. She knew her chances were slim to none of me having any more ofrepparttar 116280 fabric. As luck would have it, I did have more, but this is a prime example of how emotions can run high with this sort of a job. Then, they were not happy withrepparttar 116281 jobrepparttar 116282 seamstress did onrepparttar 116283 bridesmaids dresses. What did they expect, full dresses, very fitted for twenty-five dollars each. As you can see, it was a fiasco from start to finish.

Choosing Project Wood

Written by Dave markel


Lumber is available in 2 main categories, hardwood and softwood. Quite simply, hardwood is harvested from any deciduous (leaf bearing) tree. While softwood is from coniferous or needle producing trees. However a wood worker also needs to decide if an engineered wood product like plywood is better suited forrepparttar job.

We will demystifyrepparttar 116267 these 3 classifications by taking a close look atrepparttar 116268 3 main choices a wood worker has to face when buying project wood.

Hardwood Looking at hardwoods first, it is important to remember that these classifications really have no bearing onrepparttar 116269 true hardness ofrepparttar 116270 wood, not all hardwoods are "hard". Species like poplar are much softer then pine even though poplar is classified as a hardwood.

Some ofrepparttar 116271 more common domestic hardwoods include, oak, maple, birch and poplar although your choices certainly aren't limited to these four. For exotic species there are too many to list but teak, mahogany, rose wood and purple heart are just a few.

Softwood Softwoods onrepparttar 116272 other hand include species like spruce, fir, pine and cedar and are often cheaper to buy then hardwoods. This is mainly because softwood trees grow taller and straighter than hardwood trees. This yields more lumber per log. Along withrepparttar 116273 fact that most softwood is harvested domestically it isrepparttar 116274 project wood of choice for most outdoor projects and for many indoor ones as well.

How do you choose project wood? There are a number of factors that need to be considered when deciding which wood to use for what project. There are no set rules stating what wood to use for an indoor or outdoor project. Basicallyrepparttar 116275 characteristics ofrepparttar 116276 species will determine whether or not it will stand up torepparttar 116277 punishing conditions ofrepparttar 116278 outdoors or if it better used indoors.

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