Sizzling Offers That Sell Like Crazy

Written by Dan Brown

One ofrepparttar best way to increase your sales is to offer your potential customers a special offer. It could be trial offers, discounts, purchase awards, etc. Below are ten sizzling offers you could use to sell your products like crazy.

1. You could offer your potential customers a free sample of your product. Ifrepparttar 140495 sample proves what you claim, there is a high chance they will buy it.

2. You could give your potential customers a free trial of your product or service. Tell them you won't bill them for 30 days.

3. You could offer your potential customers a rebate after they buy your product or service. They will feel they are getting a good deal.

4. You could offer your potential customers a monthly payment plan. Tell them they can pay for your product or service with three easy monthly payments.

5. You could reward your potential customers if they buy a specific number of products. Tell them if they buy 3 or more products, they will get one free.

Are You Throwing Money Away?

Written by Susan Friedmann

Shopping for trade show giveaways can be an overwhelming experience. One catalog is jammed with custom printed pens, another showcases mouse pads. Your boss mentions that last year, everyone was giving away really nice tote bags. The sales rep really wants you to buy keychains that can play MP3’s of your marketing message set to popular tunes. But what happens to all this stuff afterrepparttar show? Let’s follow one attendee, a buyer from a mid-size manufacturing firm. Tired after spending three days atrepparttar 140465 show, he’s returned to his office. He’s toting two bags jam-packed with trade show tschokes, which he upends on his desk. All those fancy pens? They get jammed in a cup on his desk. Mouse pads go into a general office supply cupboard, onrepparttar 140466 off chance one of his office staff wears their mouse pad out. That seems unlikely – two or three are still in there from last year’s show. His secretary snapped uprepparttar 140467 tote bag – it’ll be perfect for her daughter to carry her ballet clothes in. Andrepparttar 140468 MP3 playing keychain? He’s giving it to his teenage son. But what’s this? A booklet slides out of his tote bag. It’s small – just 3 ½ x 8 ½, somewhere between 16-24 pages. It fits perfectly in his pocket – or in a purse, as he discovers when he hands it over to one of his co-workers. The information contained inrepparttar 140469 slender volume – tips, techniques, and strategies all related to your products and services -- is just too good to keep to himself. Of allrepparttar 140470 trade show giveaways, onlyrepparttar 140471 booklet has done its job. Without being overpowering, it has educatedrepparttar 140472 buying public about your products and kept your company name and logo in view. Whenrepparttar 140473 buyer needs to make a purchase, he’ll think back to what he read in your booklet – and he’ll know exactly who to call. Giving out booklets heightens your company’s credibility as an expert inrepparttar 140474 industry. When prospects read your information, they perceive you as knowledgeable. Booklets also clearly signal that you’re interested in pursuing a business relationship. Giving away coffee mugs signals that you hope your prospect enjoys his morning joe. Booklets offer a lot of bang forrepparttar 140475 buck. Anyone in an industry who is selling or exhibiting at a trade show is a candidate for using booklets as a promotional tool. They are very cost effective. A company can create their own booklets, have someone else produce them, or purchase someone else’s booklet on a topic of interest for their audience and have their contact information printed on. No matter what method you choose, booklets simply don’t cost much to produce. They also don’t have an ‘expiration’ date. One print run can easily and effectively carry you throughrepparttar 140476 show season and be integrated in other sales & marketing efforts.

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