Written by dan the roommate man

I think that I, along with one of my best friends, wererepparttar two worst roommates ever. We were legendary for our filth.

It was our sophomore year that we decided to live together. Each of us had problemsrepparttar 110542 year before becauserepparttar 110543 standards of our previous roommates were way too rigorous.

The students in our all-male dorm were primarily underclassmen so it was a pretty crappy place to begin with. You know how those places are ... puke inrepparttar 110544 bathroom that sits there for days; trash cans inrepparttar 110545 common areas filled with rotten food and beer cans; that urine smell that pervadesrepparttar 110546 entire dorm...Our room was much, much worse. What started out as simply messy turned into a biohazard.

It started out as a contest to determine who was lazier. We thought it would be funny to see who could come up withrepparttar 110547 most comically absurd way to do something withrepparttar 110548 least amount of work.

It started with throwingrepparttar 110549 daily newspaper onrepparttar 110550 floor when we were done with it. This being funny for all of two seconds we progressed to empty pizza boxes and rough drafts of papers. After a week we started adding our beer bottles and cans torepparttar 110551 mix. (Now you have to understand that we were drinking very heavily. I was drinking nearly seven or eight quarts of Magnum malt liquor a day, and he was contributing vast numbers of cans).

When cold season came around we would add our snot rags. When I coughed up flim I would spit it ontorepparttar 110552 heap. It was not unusual for one of us to drink too much and vomit in bed. Inrepparttar 110553 morning we would simply scraperepparttar 110554 vomit ontorepparttar 110555 floor and turnrepparttar 110556 mattress over (neither one of us used sheets).

I think that one night, after watching "Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer" we decided that since we were living like cavemen our dorm room should be as cave-like as possible. We got some black plastic sheeting and coveredrepparttar 110557 single window in our room, sealing it with tape so that no light could get in. The downside was that we could no longer openrepparttar 110558 window to let in fresh air. That's when it began to stink. When rotten beer but sits out for a few days it begins to smell like vinegar. Allrepparttar 110559 half-drunk cans lying aroundrepparttar 110560 room would get knocked over and spill this foul, sticky sludge all over our already stinky stuff. Without fresh airrepparttar 110561 room got even worse.


Written by dan the roommate man


I feel that I am being wrongly evicted from our apartment by another roommate who claims to berepparttar only one onrepparttar 110541 lease. I'm pretty sure I signed it, too, but I can't remember.


The first thing to do is to get a copy of that lease. Start withrepparttar 110542 landlord, who probably has a copy (and state law may require him to give you a copy if you request it). If you're onrepparttar 110543 lease, your roommate cannot get you out -- only landlords can evict tenants.

Now, suppose

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