Take charge! Seven tips to successful meetings

Written by Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D.

We've all been there. We attend a seminar or a meeting and gnash our teeth asrepparttar leader falters, gets off track or allows other participants to waste our time. These tips create a strategy for effective leadership.

1. You'rerepparttar 104628 leader. Be strong! Don't abdicate your role torepparttar 104629 participants.

2. Get buy-in on your agenda and goals before you begin Begin with, "Here's what we're covering today. Do these topics meet your needs?"

3. Keeprepparttar 104630 group on track. Sooner or later, a participant will toss out an irrelevant comment or (worse) a long-winded story. Another will dominaterepparttar 104631 discussion. Be ready with tactics: "I'm sorry to interrupt, and I'd like to hear that story during our break." Or, "That's a great topic -- next week's class." Or, "Let's hear a question from someone who's been silent all morning."

How To Get More Business During The Winter Months

Written by John Satterfield

How To Get More Business During The Winter Months

Business seems to drop, slow or even stop duringrepparttar winter months. As tourist traffic slows or stops duringrepparttar 104627 winter months so doesrepparttar 104628 incomes of many local business owners. The first step in overcoming this problem begins in your brain (don’t they all?) To begin with, don’t see these slow months as a dead time. See them for what they are , a time to build customer relationships and prepare forrepparttar 104629 busy season to come. There are a few things that you might try to cushionrepparttar 104630 slow season. Below you’ll find a list of strategies that just might work for your business. 1.Hold a class or Informational seminar-- Invite all your customers to come in for an educational session. Make sure that you have some nice deals for them on related items so that they can spend some money with you. It may well be worth considering doingrepparttar 104631 class for free. (gasp!) Some ofrepparttar 104632 types of things that come to mind are Fishing, crafts, investments, flower arranging, interior decorating, travel tips, Information about certain surgerys, back pain relief, parenting, writing workshops and on and on…… 2.Work up package deals that will be available duringrepparttar 104633 “on” season but sell them now=get money now. Remember that money now is always worth more than money later! Here’s a great idea for a resort. Pay us $250 now and we’ll give you a two night stay and a boat rental (with 4 hours guided) and a picnic lunch. Just make your reservation any time inrepparttar 104634 year 2004. I’ve seen this exact package sell over 20%! If you offered this to 1000 prospects and sold 200 You would gross $50,000! Could $50,000 now tide you over for a few weeks?

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