The 'Doing Process' Which Always Succeeds Part 1

Written by Jason Katzenback

The “Doing Process” Which Always Succeeds Part 1 Published by Jason Katzenback

The “Doing Process” Which Always Succeeds Here is a process of success. It is a dual process. In other articles, I presentedrepparttar mental process which prevents mistakes. In this article, I pre­sentrepparttar 142989 doing process which always leads to success.

A process isrepparttar 142990 way in which a thing is done. There are four different ways: (1) mere doing; (2) doing with a purpose; (3) doing which follows a thought-out plan; and (4) idealized doing which results from vivid imaging. Any one ofrepparttar 142991 first three ways may result in success, but not one of them is a guaran­tee of success. In contrast, thinking in vivid images followed by idealized doing always brings success. In mines and stores, factories, and offices, there are millions of earnest workers, who have learned to do their work well; and then, having learned, they drudge and toil but do not succeed. Mere doing never leads to success.

Returning from one of my trips to Eu­rope, I found much work to be done. Within three hours, I had telephoned an agency to send me two stenographers. One brought four letters from former employers. She had had seventeen years' experience, and her recommendations stated that her work was rapid, exact, neat, and that she was dependable. Each letter emphasized that she was a faithful worker. As her name was Anna, I at once thought of her as "Faithful Anna."

"How much do you wish?" I asked. "Well-with my experience, I couldn't work for less than $400 a week!"

Of course, I hesitated to employ her, for she had put such a low valuation on her services that it made me doubt her ability. But, I needed someone at once, so I took her on trial. She took dictation well and transcribed it correctly. But when I asked her to answer some letters which required only routine replies, she replied, "Oh, I wouldn't know what to write." Later, when I outlined a simple subject and asked her to elaborate it, she replied: "Oh, I don't know anything at all about that!" Yet, she had already been taking dictation on that subject for three days. And then, one day when her typewriter needed a little adjustment, and I asked her to fix it instead of waiting for a repair man to come, she replied: '' Oh, I wouldn't know what to do; I don't know a thing about a typewriter!" And she was sincere; she didn't. No knowledge of how a typewriter worked, although she had run one for seventeen years!

Music For Self Improvement

Written by Steve Gillman

Would you like to pop in a CD and have a better quality of life, and even self improvement? There are three ways you can use music to accomplish this.

Music For Motivation

Put on energetic music, and even doing housework seems less like work. Using music to motivate yourself or change your mood is an area where you can trust your experience and experimentation. When you findrepparttar msic that energizes you, relaxes you, or makes you happy, keep it ready for when you need it.

Music For Intelligence

Music creates neural pathways in your brain that stimulate creativity. Studies show that music trainsrepparttar 142988 brain for higher forms of thinking. In one study, three-year-olds were split into two groups. The first had no special training in, or exposure to music. The second group studied piano and sang daily in chorus.

Eight months laterrepparttar 142989 musical three-year-olds were much better at solving puzzles. They also scored 80% higher in spatial intelligence thanrepparttar 142990 other group. There's also anectdotal evidence that listening to music, especially from Mozart's era, can help you study and learn better.

Hopefully there will be more research. Inrepparttar 142991 meantime there's no reason not to do your own experimentation. I've heard that Stephen King writes with loud rock music playing, sorepparttar 142992 benefits of music may be according to your own tastes or brain-organization.

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