The Skin care benefits of Azulene

Written by David Stanton

Azulene is a constituent ofrepparttar volatile oil obtained by steam distillation from Chamomile, Anthemis nobilis (Roman Chamomile), Achillea millefolium (Yarrow), or Tanacetum anuum (Blue tansy), and it is distinguished by it’s spectacular blue colour. Azulenes are unsaturated blue hydrocarbons, isomers of naphthalene. Chamomile contains a wide variety of active constituents. Each one of these constituents expresses a specific action butrepparttar 113586 fascinating holistic effect isrepparttar 113587 result of all ofrepparttar 113588 components working together. The main constituents inrepparttar 113589 oil from chamomile are alpha-bisabolol and chamazulene, sesquiterpene derivatives. Other beneficial substances are present as well, primarily apigenin and a number of other flavonoids.

Benefits: In clinical studies Azulenes and bisabolol have been shown to exhibit dramatic anti-inflammatory effects and Chamazulene showed significant antioxidant protection. In practical terms this means that application of these natural substances will help to prevent skin blemishes from developing and will help stop deterioration of skin cells that leads to wrinkles, fine lines and pigmentation.

Sleep Naturally

Written by Andrea Putting N.D

Tossing and turning all night? The clock is ticking over; minute after minute, hour after hour, but you just can't sleep. The only thing worse, isrepparttar feeling of being totally zonkedrepparttar 113585 next day. Insomnia is a problem that affects most people at some time during their lives. It has many different causes and many different ways of being expressed. For some, it may be a case of a few restless nights or a lifetime of poor sleep. Sleep is an important part of our lives allowing us to regain strength, heal and grow. So when it is disturbed for any reason it can seriously affect our lives.

There is a large variation inrepparttar 113586 amount of sleep needed. Some only need a few hours sleep, while others may need up to 10 hours to feel refreshed. Insomnia isrepparttar 113587 condition where a person feels as if they are not getting adequate sleep on a regular basis. Their sleep is non-refreshing and their ability to function normally on a daily basis is affected.

Sleep patterns are different with different people, as too isrepparttar 113588 patterns for insomniacs. Some may fall asleep easily, but wake duringrepparttar 113589 night and not be able to return to sleep. Others may lay awake for hours before being able to drift off to sleep. Some people wake hundreds of times duringrepparttar 113590 night, without realising it. It has been found through electrical monitoring of insomniacs, while they sleep, that they don not change sleep stages very often. Normal sleep requires many stages and insomniacs may not reachrepparttar 113591 deep sleep known as 'REM'.

If you are suffering from sleep problems, it could be related to many different causes. A whole lifestyle check needs to be done. Are you eating right? Heavy meals inrepparttar 113592 evening can certainly affect sleep. Are you getting enough exercise and fresh air? One ofrepparttar 113593 biggest issues with sleep problems is stress. What is happening in your life that is playing on your mind?

Have a look throughrepparttar 113594 following suggestions; there may be something that will help you. Most importantly, try not to be worried about not sleeping. Go to bed withrepparttar 113595 thoughts of a good nights rest, relax and sleep well

Suggestion to help you improve your sleep

* Try to get some regular exercise and fresh air.

* Allow time to relax before going to bed.

* Take up some form of meditation; if you find this difficult a class may help. Deep breathing techniques can also be helpful.

* Try reading before bedtime. Stick to something light and easy, maybe even boring, don’t read anything too exciting. Watching a stimulating television program should also be avoided. * Develop a regular bedtime relaxation routine. Try keeping your bedtime and getting up time regular.

* Relaxing in a warm bath or even a warm shower can be helpful.

* Make sure your bed and pillow are comfortable for you, not too hard or soft.

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