The Source of All Disease

Written by D.S. Braun

So why is there disease? The very word means thatrepparttar body is in a state of Diss-Ease. It is certainly not being provided withrepparttar 134851 optimal conditions that it requires to maintain itself healthily. Unless you provide it withrepparttar 134852 right conditions, mentally, physically and spiritually, it will not function at its optimum level.

The triangle of MIND, BODY and SPIRIT representsrepparttar 134853 three inseparable components of our being and wellness. None of these factors can be affected without there being an effect onrepparttar 134854 others. Similarly, you cannot treat one without consideringrepparttar 134855 others.

It is however fair to say that at a given time it may be appropriate to devote more attention to one area, rather than another. Good health is about good balance, just as homeostasis withinrepparttar 134856 organism is about good balance.

Major Factors Affecting Health:

Stress Digestion Absorption Circulation Elimination

These processes play a major role in determiningrepparttar 134857 wellness of an individual. They are all intimately related ... an imbalance in one will have an effect on all ofrepparttar 134858 others. These are alwaysrepparttar 134859 first things to consider when looking at a your own or another person's health.

Five Basic Considerations For Health

Good nutrition is fundamental to good physical health. You cannot expect to have a healthy body if you choose to run it on junk.

Much ofrepparttar 134860 energy that we draw from our food is actually channelled back to service for digestion, absorption, circulation and elimination. The rest of our body energy is used inrepparttar 134861 processes of thinking, working and playing,

Unfortunately, in modern society, there is another factor which is a crippling drain on bodily resources - this is STRESS. Our cells arerepparttar 134862 smallest living units of our bodies, and each cell is like a tiny factory. Each cell must be nourished completely and constantly, andrepparttar 134863 waste efficiently eliminated. If this is not done,repparttar 134864 cell will either function inefficiently or it will die.

Health begins and ends atrepparttar 134865 cellular level and it is here where we must focus our attention. Stress is crippling at all levels.

Let's look atrepparttar 134866 other four components of our model. Our cells must be fed and cleansed if they are to function efficiently. The first stage in meetingrepparttar 134867 nutritional requirements of each cell is digestion. Inefficient digestion, which isrepparttar 134868 breaking down of food into its tiniest components, spells immediate problems.

Similarly, ifrepparttar 134869 absorption of these digested foods is not occurring, then nutrients cannot get torepparttar 134870 cells. We rely on our blood to carry absorbed nutrients fromrepparttar 134871 digestive system to each cell. If circulation is impaired this will not happen. Finally, elimination.

Ifrepparttar 134872 cells are bathed in their own wastes, they cannot function thereforerepparttar 134873 elimination viarepparttar 134874 kidneys, skin and bowel is of paramount importance.

The Cost of Processed Foods

When we eat processed, low quality foods, we not only do not provide our body with sufficient nutrients, but we also burden it further withrepparttar 134875 more difficult task of ELIMINATING them. From this very simple example, you can see how poor quality foods sap our vital energy.

There is only so much to go around. Vital energy used inrepparttar 134876 process of digesting and detoxifying valueless food, and then eliminating in heavy, fibreless waste leaves much less energy available forrepparttar 134877 good things in life. There is also much less energy available for our IMMUNE SYSTEM and other vital functions. This all contributes to a corresponding reduction in health.

An Ongoing Commitment To Wellness

Is it Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Undiagnosed Celiac Disease?

Written by Peter Berlin

Your doctor tells you your stomach problems are from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). So he treats (or mistreats) you for your symptoms when in fact you don't have IBS. What your doctor may have missed is that you have a little known condition, celiac disease, and you don't have to suffer anymore because relief of your problems is only a change of diet away.

The National Institute of Health, estimates that over three million Americans have undiagnosed celiac disease. Why so many? Because on average it takes 11 years to get a proper diagnosis. That’s 11 years millions of people are needlessly suffering. Could you be one of them?

The symptoms of celiac disease are very similar to a host of other intestinal disorders. They are: diarrhea, abdominal pain, gas, bloating, and weight loss. And many patients don't experience those signs but instead report so-called atypical symptoms, including: a blistering, itchy skin rash, anemia, short stature, delayed puberty, infertility, and tooth enamel defects. Because there are a broad range of symptoms that may be readily associated with other conditions or ailments, celiac can be difficult to diagnose and often goes undiagnosed or misdiagnosed.

So what exactly is celiac disease?

It's a genetic autoimmune disorder also known as gluten-intolerance. Gluten is found in wheat, rye, and barley and its derivatives. Therefore foods and ingredients to be avoided include such staples as most flours, bread, and pasta. If you have celiac disease your body recognizes gluten as a toxin. Toxins are essentially poisons to your body. Gluten reeks havoc on a celiac's body by causingrepparttar villi, which linerepparttar 134836 intestinal wall, to become flattened and loserepparttar 134837 ability to absorb nutrients from food.

It is important to properly diagnose and treat celiac disease for two reasons. First, with proper treatmentrepparttar 134838 small intestine will heal and your symptoms will disappear over time. The other more important reason is that if a persona withrepparttar 134839 disorder continues to eat gluten, chances of gastrointestinal cancer can increase by 40 to 100 times that ofrepparttar 134840 normal population. In addition, gastrointestinal carcinoma or lymphoma develops in up to 15 percent of patients with untreated celiac disease. Osteoporosis is another condition that can be caused by failing to treat this disease.

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