The Two Outlooks for Email

Written by Dilip Dahanukar

Most of us have bothrepparttar Outlook programs on our computer:repparttar 109600 Microsoft Outlook andrepparttar 109601 Outlook Express. Onrepparttar 109602 face of it, both look more-or-lessrepparttar 109603 same, and few of us actually takerepparttar 109604 trouble to find out their plus and minus points. But I did examine both of them carefully with surprising results, and I would like to share my findings with you. You will certainly be able to get more out of both of them with this information. Recently my Norton Anti-Virus (NAV) detected a virus coming through email. This happened as my preview pane was open inrepparttar 109605 Inbox and it openedrepparttar 109606 virus email automatically as soon as it was downloaded. The NAV could not repairrepparttar 109607 file so I had to deleterepparttar 109608 infected file. I found to my utter horror that deletingrepparttar 109609 file disabled my browser. It also disabled my CD writer. I had to save my data using Iomega 250MB zip drive which fortunately worked but only inrepparttar 109610 slow SAFE mode of Windows! Ultimately I had to Quick Restore my Compaq computer. It took me 2 days to reload various programs and data! This could have been avoided if I had taken a few simple precautions. I have written out these precautions towardsrepparttar 109611 end of this article.

Differences betweenrepparttar 109612 two Outlooks:

1.Outlook Express (OE in short) comes with Internet Explorer browser, whereas MS Outlook (MSO in short) is a part of MS OFFICE. 2.OE can download news from newsgroups. MSO cannot. 3.OE uses "identities" to configure mail account. Identities allow multiple people to use OE without sharing a common inbox. The messages are saved separately for each identity. When you input your identity it opens a full and separate OE program. When you switch identities,repparttar 109613 program is closed (exited), and again a full and separate OE program is opened. This feature allows multiple users to have their own password-protected email program on one single computer. This feature is not available with MSO. 4.MSO has IPM features such as calendar, tasks and notes. These features are not present in OE. 5.MSO can activaterepparttar 109614 feature "don't download messages larger than - ---KB" Sets a maximum size for messages that will be downloaded. Large messages can take a long time to download and can increase your connection time. If you use a local area network (LAN), this setting is ignored. It's a shame thatrepparttar 109615 setting is ignored for LAN. I find this is very useful to firewall virus file attachments, which are usually above 100KB in size. 6.In MSO as well as OE, you can select allrepparttar 109616 messages in a folder by openingrepparttar 109617 folder and clicking Select All fromrepparttar 109618 Edit menu. But its only in MSO that you can do a Save As. With more than one message selected,repparttar 109619 Save As feature is de-activated in OE. Thus when you Save As in MSO, you can save allrepparttar 109620 messages inrepparttar 109621 folder in one text file. This not only makes it quick to saverepparttar 109622 messages, but they can then be opened in notepad, WordPad or MS Word, which all have find or search feature which makes locating of any message a very simple task 7.MSO can use any ofrepparttar 109623 MS OFFICE formats to New Send mail. MS OFFICE Access, Power Point, Excel, or Word. This is not possible with OE.

How to Prevent Virus thro' Email

Written by Dilip Dahanukar

Recently my Norton Anti-Virus (NAV) detected a virus coming through email. This happened as my preview pane was open inrepparttar Inbox and it openedrepparttar 109599 virus email automatically as soon as it was downloaded. The NAV could not repairrepparttar 109600 file so I had to deleterepparttar 109601 infected file. I found to my utter horror that deletingrepparttar 109602 file disabled my browser. It also disabled my CD writer. I had to save my data using Iomega 250MB zip drive which fortunately worked but only inrepparttar 109603 slow SAFE mode of Windows! Ultimately I had to Quick Restore my Compaq computer. It took me 2 days to reload various programs and data! This could have been avoided if I had taken a few simple precautions. I have written out these precautions as tips on how to configurerepparttar 109604 email program so that you can prevent a disaster like mine.

Tips for configuring both Outlook Express (OE) and Microsoft Outlook (MSO) particularly to block viruses hitting your computer automatically. These precautions will save you a lot of trouble.

1.Switch offrepparttar 109605 preview panel inrepparttar 109606 INBOX. This prevents any virus getting into your system by automatic opening inrepparttar 109607 preview pane.

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