This Is A "No Real Estate Guru Zone"

Written by Mark Walters

I am stunned when I hear that many ofrepparttar so called real estate gurus are charging from $3,000 to $15,000 for their seminars and "mentoring". Hasrepparttar 103097 world gone mad?

As a real estate investor and author I am often asked if I can recommend these real estate seminars. I answer with a question... "What have you done on your own to learn about real estate investing?" Then I offerrepparttar 103098 following suggestions:

Go to your public library and read allrepparttar 103099 books on real estate investing that have been published inrepparttar 103100 last ten years. Many ofrepparttar 103101 gurus have written books where they explain their investing techniques...repparttar 103102 same ones they present in their high priced seminars. Libraries are FREE!

Visit a few used books stores and you will find good books and often cassette tape courses on real estate investing. They will cost just a few dollars.

Onrepparttar 103103 internet you will find a number of real estate investing forums. Here you can interact with investors of all experience levels. Someone will ask a question and they often will get very good answers from a number of experienced investors.

If you visit these forums and readrepparttar 103104 questions and answers for a few weeks you will find that you are receiving a very good investing education. You will soon get a clear picture of what's working now. You will see what others are doing successfully. Soon you will know what questions you need answered and you can ask for help. And it is all FREE.

We would all like an expert to take our hand and lead us into risk free real estate investing success. The gurus recognize this and offer their seminar suckers... excuse me, I mean seminar STUDENTS... expensive "mentoring" programs. Trust me... you can get better advice free, on internet real estate forums. Just do a Google search for "real estate forums".

Real estate investor clubs are another excellent place to get help. With so much interest in real estate most every city of any size has at least one real estate "club". Just do a Google search for "real estate clubs".

Creativity and Culture Management

Written by Kal Bishop

Many concepts inrepparttar fields of managing creativity are very much applicable to culture management in general. The same concepts that foster creativity and innovation also maximise human capital potential, increase productivity, reduce costs and maintain competitive advantage etc. Some ofrepparttar 103096 many commonalities between culture and creativity management follow. a)A culture of psychological safety and freedom. A culture that limits experience, information and expression and allows relatively few members to contribute to decision-making is not taking advantage ofrepparttar 103097 immense pool of available talent. Just as idea-generating sessions are conducted in environments that limit judgement, in order to elicitrepparttar 103098 contribution of all participants, so that philosophy should be extended throughoutrepparttar 103099 organisation permanently.

b)Motivation is more important than natural ability. This is similar to possessing high intelligence – one must be motivated to apply it and improve it. Human capital is optimised when participants have high intrinsic motivation and i) synergistic extrinsic motivators are present to facilitaterepparttar 103100 task and ii) non-synergistic facilitators are minimised. Further, specific motivators such as i) gap between ideal and real self, ii) degree of enjoyability, iii) degree of challenge, iv) feasibility, v) degree of self-determination, vi) recognition, vii) material reward, viii) time pressures, ix) project numbers and complexity and x) competition versus collaboration etc need to be measured and monitored.

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