To Be Successful Sell to Wants not Needs

Written by Julie Chance

To Be Successful Sell to Wants not Needs

By Julie Chance

My mother used to tell me, tongue in cheek, that I never wanted anything in my life– everything I asked for was something I needed!! Think about it. We say, “I need a new car.” “I need to go on vacation.” “I need someone to clean my house.” When wasrepparttar last time you heard someone say, “I want a new pair of shoes.” I bet even Amelda Marcos said, “I need a new pair of shoes.”

As consumers we justify our purchases, at least in our own minds, as being something we need. As business owners, selling our products or services, we have been lulled into believing that customers are buying from us because they need what we have to offer. We are trying to meetrepparttar 103594 needs of our customers instead of focusing on meeting their wants.

If customers made purchase decisions based on need we would all be driving Model Ts and Henry Ford would have been right, “The customer can have any color he wants so long as it’s black.”

People may buy a product category due to need. However, they purchase a specific brand or from a certain company based on wants. In other words, needs definerepparttar 103595 total market and wants definerepparttar 103596 market segments. For example, people buy a watch because they need to know what time it is. One person buys a Rolex because they wantrepparttar 103597 status and prestige associated with owning a Rolex while someone else buys a Timex because they want dependability inexpensively.

It is often much easier to seerepparttar 103598 role wants play in purchase decisions when we’re talking about consumer products. However,repparttar 103599 concept is equally at play even inrepparttar 103600 business to business environment. Decision makers inrepparttar 103601 business world arerepparttar 103602 same people that are buying based on wants inrepparttar 103603 consumer world. And no matter how logicalrepparttar 103604 surface justification for need is,repparttar 103605 factor(s) that tiprepparttar 103606 purchase scale are going to be wants.

ISO 9001 Compliant Program: Steps to Build

Written by Chris Anderson

Implementing an ISO 9001 system represents a major effort. However, all of that effort can represent a significant shift for a business - from quantity to quality. And this could make sure your business getsrepparttar desired results.

Shift Focus to Performance

Developing, implementing and maintaining your ISO 9001 program can be crucial torepparttar 103593 core issues of a business. The focus is designed to help: •Satisfy customer requirements for compliance •Increase profits with more contracts •Save money through efficiency

But to do this you need to put a framework in place that spotlights performance and performance improvement.

Get Management Support

To effectively build a program and meetrepparttar 103594 requirements, your organization should carry out a strong process:

•Management Decision and Commitment •Adequate Training and Evaluation •Compliance with Appropriate Standards •Audit and Registration

Once you’ve identified your company’s need for compliance, it is essential for top management to get on board. Management can ensure that quality is documented, demonstrable, effective and maintained.

Review and Maintain Standards

The appropriate personnel should then reviewrepparttar 103595 standards for their industry and work to meet those requirements with organized documentation. Personnel can then develop, implement and maintain a set of quality systems and procedures to satisfyrepparttar 103596 ISO 9001 requirements.

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