Top 10 Tips for a Thriving Online Business

Written by Angela Wu

Past history has shown that it's not necessarilyrepparttar companies withrepparttar 124999 snazziest websites that do well, or evenrepparttar 125000 companies withrepparttar 125001 most money. The 'small guys' -- that is, Internet home businesses typically run by 1 or 2 people -- may not makerepparttar 125002 news likerepparttar 125003 big 'dot-coms', but there are many who quietly and steadily continue to turn a profit, even while big companies report huge losses or go out of business entirely.

So what'srepparttar 125004 secret? Here are a few tips from small but successful 'netrepreneurs' on how to build a thriving online business:

__1. Find a niche with a demand.

Select a specific market to which you can offer unique products or services. You can't be everything to everyone, and trying to offer a giant selection of goods to a huge and generalized market isrepparttar 125005 route to frustration, disappointment, and even failure. We can't all be Wal-Marts!

As a small business, focus on a promising niche market and work hard to offer themrepparttar 125006 products and services they want.

__2. Care aboutrepparttar 125007 quality of your product or service.

Sell only what you would be proud to sell to your family and friends, and insist upon consistently high quality. This will help to encourage referrals and repeat business -- both powerful ways to keeprepparttar 125008 profits rolling.

__3. Be smart and frugal.

Avoid unnecessary expenses, and be particularly vigilant when you're first getting started. One ofrepparttar 125009 nice things about doing business online is that it's possible to begin earning an income while operating on a shoestring budget. Try to minimize expenses. Once your business is pulling in profits, you can reinvest part of it back into marketing and expansion.

__4. Focus on marketing strategies that returnrepparttar 125010 most profit for your dollar.

One ofrepparttar 125011 biggest myths beginners face is that people will flock to your site once it's built. However, there are literally billions of web pages available, and every business has to find ways to attract their target audience to their little corner ofrepparttar 125012 web. Trackrepparttar 125013 success of each of your marketing campaigns. Drop those that don't work, and focus on those that yieldrepparttar 125014 best results.

__5. Providerepparttar 125015 best customer service that you can.

Fast, helpful replies to inquiries and requests for assistance help to create and keep happy customers. This is particularly true ofrepparttar 125016 Internet, where people have come to expect 'instant' responses. Genuinely helpful answers also help to ensure customers feel as if they're *people*, and not just another generic, faceless entity in cyberspace. Treat customers as you would like to be treated.

Is your Business Website Lonely?

Written by Will Dylan

Is your Business Website lonely?

3 tips to help your small business grow online

Many people launch their online business or online presence for their bricks and mortar small businesses with completely overblown expectations. They’ve heardrepparttar statistics about how many new users come online every day andrepparttar 124998 millions and millions of web searches that are conducted daily by web surfers. What they don’t often realize is that while there are over 1 billion people online, there are also millions and millions of websites vying for their attention. Simply having a website is not enough to generate traffic anymore. You must promote your site as much as possible to encourage people to visit your website. It’s similar to throwing a party but forgetting to invite anyone. You can pourrepparttar 124999 drinks and lay outrepparttar 125000 nachos, but if nobody knows aboutrepparttar 125001 party, you’ll have a pretty lonely evening.

To beatrepparttar 125002 loneliness that some businesses feel online, here are 3 low cost tips to draw some people to your website:

Write about your Topic: What is your website about? What are you selling? Whatever it is, you should be able to come up with a few ideas for articles that will be of interest to your audience and will establish your credibility inrepparttar 125003 field. By writing short 500-word articles and circulating them onrepparttar 125004 Internet, you’ll pick up some free traffic to your website. You accomplish this by remembering to add a resource box, or a byline atrepparttar 125005 end of your article. It might read something like “Joe Smith isrepparttar 125006 owner of where he offers his revolutionary new plumbing products for sale”. The article in this case probably had something to do with a challenge facingrepparttar 125007 plumbing profession, hencerepparttar 125008 readers were mostly plumbers. Joe essentially gets a free advertisement in his byline that is attached to his informative article.

There are a number of great sites online that will post your articles at no charge for others to read. Some ofrepparttar 125009 best include:

Exchange Links: Links from other websites can be a substantial source of web traffic for your site. Not only willrepparttar 125010 links generate traffic for you, but inbound links are one ofrepparttar 125011 key factors evaluated by search engines in determiningrepparttar 125012 ranking of your website. The key to linking is to go for quality, not quantity. Most search engines are now evaluating websites based on their relevant inbound links, meaning that a link from a webpage that has nothing to do with your business (i.e. a pool table company that links to your pet nutrition website) won’t do you much good. The best approach is to locate related businesses who are not competitors and approach them with an offer to link to their site in exchange for a link from yours. A good example would be a pool table company that links to a website belonging to a website about party games or pub games. The topics are related, butrepparttar 125013 sites are not likely in competition with one another.

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