Two Sentences

Written by Julie Jordan Scott

Two sentences from 1977.

The one single, specific memory I have fromrepparttar ninth grade was during a math class. We were being introduced to Geometry forrepparttar 124017 first time. The teacher whose name I can surprisingly not remember, asked "What is intuition?"

I raised my hand (an unusual act for me at 15 years old) and said, "It is having a hunch: sort of knowing or having an idea of something out ofrepparttar 124018 blue, like without really knowing you somehow know."

In my mind's eyerepparttar 124019 picture is crystal clear. Howrepparttar 124020 teacher was poised, what his sport coat looked like, where inrepparttar 124021 room he was standing, how his head was turned just so. I think his name might have been Mr. Tennaro. I was in his class for one week.

Yet that question and answer still calls out to me more than twenty years later. Forever caught in freeze frame across three thousand miles and countless other classrooms and a huge number of hours and moments and conversations. Intuition. An inkling.

Sharon Franquemont, former professor of Intuition at John F. Kennedy University and author of "You Already Know What to Do" makes an important distinction. Rather than using intuition as one of many tools for living, she suggests that one choose to makerepparttar 124022 practice of intuition a way of living everyday.

Some think, "That is all well and good and I know for a fact I have no clue how to live intuitively. I don't even know for sure if I believe in intuition inrepparttar 124023 first place." Before we discuss that, lets point to some very interesting illustrations.

It may be surprising to learn that some of history's greatest thinkers believed an intuitive lifestyle was very beneficial. Albert Einstein said, "The only real valuable thing is intuition."

Intuition is not just "women's intuition" and it is not only for what might be called "artsy" people. For centuries inventors, entrepreneurs, engineers, parents, children and yes, artists, have all experienced intuitive flashes. These inklings sometimes lead to something big. A positive growth situation beyond our usual way of thinking or being.

Mapping your Goals

Written by Judi Singleton

You haverepparttar ability to attain whatever you seek; within you is every potential you can imagine. Always aim higher than you believe you can reach. So often, you'll discover that when your talents are set free by your imagination, you can achieve any goal. If people offer their help or wisdom as you go through life, accept it gratefully. You can learn much from those who have gone before you. But never be afraid or hesitant to step offrepparttar 124016 accepted path and head off in your own direction if your heart tells you that it'srepparttar 124017 right way for you. Always believe that you will ultimately succeed at whatever you do, and never forgetrepparttar 124018 value of persistence, discipline, and determination. You are meant to be whatever you dream of becoming. -- Edmund O'Neill

When one starts out drawingrepparttar 124019 map ofrepparttar 124020 journey of their life their are some rules to mapping this journey. "Thank Goodness for at this point I feel so overwhelmed that I don't know where to start," you say.

Ok let's beginrepparttar 124021 journey of a lifetime starts withrepparttar 124022 first step. Sometimes these steps are staggering and undecisive but they get stronger with each step one takes. Success is a choice. You must decide what you want, why you want it, and how you plan to achieve it. No one else can, will, or should do that for you.

So last week in Dreamrepparttar 124023 Impossible Dream we had already begun to take steps toward mapping this journey. Staying focused is a close relative to being decisive, but your ability to sustain your focus from beginning to end determinesrepparttar 124024 timing and condition of your outcomes. Again a lot depends on your belief in yourself to be able to keep on trudging whenrepparttar 124025 going gets rough for we all have those times when we falter in our belief that this impossible dream can come true. This isrepparttar 124026 time to stay focused for if we scatter our power torepparttar 124027 wind then we cannot achieve this impossible dream. When we try and do to many things at once and push ahead when we are too tired to go any further, we lose touch with ourselves. We no longer have long talks with ourselves and see where we are in this journey. Pushing ahead does not work and then we get discouraged so now at this time we need to stay decisive and focused likerepparttar 124028 little girl who knows that under that Christmas tree isrepparttar 124029 doll she dreamed of orrepparttar 124030 little boy who feelsrepparttar 124031 wind in his hair as he rides that new bike. No one could tell them thatrepparttar 124032 bike orrepparttar 124033 doll was not there.

Accepting failure alongrepparttar 124034 way is an important part of any map. The fundamental question is not whether you should accept failure. You have no choice but to expect it as a temporary condition onrepparttar 124035 path way of progress. Rather,repparttar 124036 question is how to anticipate failure and redirect resources to grow fromrepparttar 124037 experience. Faliure gives onerepparttar 124038 incentive to go back torepparttar 124039 drawing board and see where your map failed you, for you did not fail just part ofrepparttar 124040 plan was not built on solid rock foundation. So learn from your experience and go on.

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