Understanding Cholesterol

Written by Dave Saunders

Wheneverrepparttar word cholesterol comes up in any conversation, almost always, people are talking about how high levels of cholesterol can be bad for your body and can even be fatal. What one never hears about isrepparttar 113524 fact that cholesterol is essential for our bodies. Here’s a look atrepparttar 113525 cholesterol molecule, and how it benefits our bodies.

The cholesterol molecule is a wax like fatty substance, which comes from a family of molecules known as steroids. The cholesterol molecule is present in our blood, as well as allrepparttar 113526 cells in body tissue. A cholesterol molecule does not enter our bodies through food, but is made by different parts of our body. Body tissues that have highly packed membranes, such asrepparttar 113527 liver, arethoma, etc are known to produce more cholesterol molecules and have more cholesterol present in their cells.

A form ofrepparttar 113528 cholesterol molecule, if present in large numbers in our bodies, can form deposits known as plaque onrepparttar 113529 walls of our arteries, which can in turn blockrepparttar 113530 flow of blood supply and cause heart problems. But,repparttar 113531 cholesterol molecule also plays an important part inrepparttar 113532 following:

The Trillion Dollar Industry

Written by Mike Law

The wellness industry is projected to becomerepparttar next trillion dollar industry byrepparttar 113523 year 2010, and this is on existing products alone, and not taking into account any new products and services that will be introduced inrepparttar 113524 future.

There is a generation calledrepparttar 113525 baby boomers that make up one third ofrepparttar 113526 population and about two thirds ofrepparttar 113527 purchasing population. They are individuals who were born aroundrepparttar 113528 late 40’s to early 60’s. Trends have shown that industries have boomed in relation torepparttar 113529 needs of this generation. They are now of an age where health and aging is becoming extremely important issues to them and are prepared to spend big dollars.

We have a seriously high rate of degenerative diseases reaching almost epidemic proportions. These have become alarmingly more predominant overrepparttar 113530 last century. The leading causes of premature death inrepparttar 113531 early 1900’s were influenza, diphtheria, tuberculosis and pneumonia. At presentrepparttar 113532 leading causes of premature death are cancer, stroke, cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease and diabetes.

The reason for this is because our bodies are losingrepparttar 113533 battle against free radicals. Free radicals come from stress, radiation fromrepparttar 113534 sun, environmental pollution, toxic chemicals inrepparttar 113535 water and depletion of nutrients inrepparttar 113536 food supply. An alarming discovery was found in a test undertaken on tomatoes. Results indicated a 90% loss ofrepparttar 113537 nutritional value of tomatoes overrepparttar 113538 last century. One ofrepparttar 113539 most powerful oxidation defence agents for conquering free radicals is vitamin E. To obtain an optimal amount of vitamin E you would have to consume for example 15kg’s of spinach.

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