Use EQ to Make Yourself a More Attractive Job Applicant

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, Emotional Intelligence Coach and Consultant

I’ve counseled some truly beautiful people – I mean physically beautiful. People whom anyone would term “stunning.” I’ve also know some personally, and worked with some.

Aside from being beautiful (which is a big “aside), I’d sayrepparttar “other things” we look for in life (or that hunt us down) are what’s called “normally distributed” amongrepparttar 130139 beautiful andrepparttar 130140 not-beautiful. In other words, there’s aboutrepparttar 130141 same amount of happiness, money, good health, tragedy, addiction, good luck, intelligence and so forth given torepparttar 130142 beautiful as to any of us. No more; no less. I’ve known two breathtakingly beautiful people who were amongrepparttar 130143 two most miserable people I’ve know.

So how is it different being beautiful? According to a recent report from about beauty and bounty, not surprisingly it appears you‘ll get treated better by your doctor if you’re pretty, you’ll get more attention from your teachers and better grades if you’re pretty, and should that pretty face of yours turn up in court, you’ll get a lighter sentence than your criminal-peer who’s homely.

And in addition, if while in court you’re being defended byrepparttar 130144 partner ofrepparttar 130145 firm, who seems exceptionally young to be a partner, chances are he’s handsome! Male lawyers who are handsome make partner earlier, reported Hamermesh and Biddle in “Beauty, Productivity and Discrimination: Lawyers’ Looks and Lucre.” “Lucre,” of course, meaning “money.”

Unfair? Definitely.

In her article about this, “Do Pretty People Earn More?” msn editor, Kate Lorenz, gives usrepparttar 130146 data. To remind us of what we kinda already knew. That it helps to be good-looking.

So nothing here to alertrepparttar 130147 press about. Or maybe there is.

Whenrepparttar 130148 folks who actually dorepparttar 130149 hiring were interviewed, they said in so many words that a pretty face was just another pretty face; they were after something else (besides qualifications, of course). “It isrepparttar 130150 appearance of confidence they find attractive, notrepparttar 130151 presence of physical beauty,” Lorenz found. “And they contend that attractiveness has more to do with how you carry yourself andrepparttar 130152 energy you exude – rather than having perfect features or a great physique.”

Think back over your own experiences and see if you don’t find this rings true. My mom used to tell me, when I got uppity, “Pretty is as pretty does.” I’ve also known some people who were, yes, brain candy to look at, but heart poison to ingest, if you know what I mean. Some people’s beauty allows them to escaperepparttar 130153 dues we all pay for being part ofrepparttar 130154 human community – being kind, considerate, humble, and, well, having EQ!


Written by Pauline Wallin, Ph.D.


One Saturday morning, at age 15, I looked inrepparttar mirror and was horrified to see a huge, red pimple on my forehead. To a teenager that is a major crisis, especially when half a tube of Clearasil only makes it look worse. Who would have predicted that this zit would teach me a life lesson?

Silly now that I look back on this incident, but atrepparttar 130137 time I was consumed with shame. I even canceled my weekend plans because I didn't want to be seen in public.

So you can imagine my rage when my sister snapped a photo, preserving this ugly image forever. (Lucky for her, she could run faster than me.) And, to add insult to injury, my mother lovingly placedrepparttar 130138 picture inrepparttar 130139 family album!

But it turned out that this wasrepparttar 130140 best thing she could have done. During a visit back home 12 years later I was looking through old family albums, and came across "THE photograph," which I recognized instantly fromrepparttar 130141 orange dress I had been wearing (and which I never wore again.) Bravely I mustered uprepparttar 130142 courage to examinerepparttar 130143 photo, and to reliverepparttar 130144 humiliation of that abominable zit.

You've probably guessed by now that I had to search pretty hard to seerepparttar 130145 blemish on my face inrepparttar 130146 picture. If I looked very closely, I could detect a small speck on my forehead. It certainly didn't cover my face as I had recalled that it did.

That photo sure put things in focus for me -- and not just in terms of zits.

I instantly realized that by fixating on a single, minor blemish, I had become a self-pitying recluse. For a couple of days I had lost all objectivity, allowing this pimple to take over my life, magnifying its negative impact.

This is precisely what your “inner brat” does. In its immature, self-absorbed way it dwells on what's wrong in your life, distortingrepparttar 130147 negative way out of proportion.

It views all setbacks -- even minor inconveniences -- as catastrophes. Not only can your inner brat make you feel like a victim; it can also render you negative and pessimistic about life in general.

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