Use Your Unique Abilities to Shake The World

Written by Wendy Hearn

I awoke torepparttar feeling of being shook and felt scared because I didn't know what was happening. It later transpired that we had experienced an earthquake. As I reflected on this occurrence and my feelings atrepparttar 123793 time, for me, it was a metaphor for shaking up our lives. What do I mean by shaking up our lives? I mean takingrepparttar 123794 opportunity to really go for our dreams or to take that leap of faith, that step that feels huge. Most people don't takerepparttar 123795 opportunity to shake or change their world, or even their own environment, such as work, family or community.

Shaking up your world means taking your own unique ability, strengths and gifts to either change things dramatically or to make progress towards change. The number one reason that I see stopping people from doing this is that they are unaware that they personally have so much more to offer. There are alsorepparttar 123796 people who at times have fleeting thoughts of their brilliance, but they let these thoughts pass without belief or action, probably due to fear.

I believe that you as an individual possess much more than you ever tap into. This may be inrepparttar 123797 form of wisdom, skills, beliefs, strengths, intuition, ability, and gifts. A whole unique combination of all these things belongs to each of you as individuals. It may seem easier to play small inrepparttar 123798 world and not to look at your unique and true potential. However, by doing this, what are you and others missing out on?

Just asrepparttar 123799 earthquake was scary for me inrepparttar 123800 feeling of being shook, it can feel very scary to consider what you have, that potentially could add to or shake up your life and possibly others around you. Fear is a major factor that holds people back from going for many things. Thank repparttar 123801 fearful part of you for being there, become its friend and embrace it on your journey, rather than be stopped by it. If rather than being stopped by fear, you took it by repparttar 123802 hand and led it forward, what could you offer out to repparttar 123803 world? Perhaps you're someone who works in a corporate company and has some insight into improving communication, employee retention or leadership development. Possibly you run your own business and sense that there is a more innovative way of offering your product or service. Maybe you're an individual who wants to build a stronger community that you live in or have ideas on helping drug-addicts or single mothers.

A Very Special Gift

Written by Arleen M. Kaptur

The month of October is a step closer torepparttar year's feast of Holidays. There are so many things to do and places to go. There are gifts to buy for family and friends and... A gift for yourself is sometimes an extravagance that many of us do not allow ourselves. We feel that it is not a necessity, that it has a selfish motive tied aroundrepparttar 123792 package, and that we should not be spending our time and money on ourselves but on everyone else. There are those that feel thatindulging themselves in luxury and niceties is just fine and as that one hair-color commercial so aptly puts it "because I'm worth it." A gift to yourself duringrepparttar 123793 upcoming Holiday Season is a really wonderful thing to do. It is a gift that does not have to cost any money whatsoever, but it will be a treasure that will outlive many storebought items. It comes in your color choice, and engraving is free. In fact, it is a necessity! The gift I am speaking about isrepparttar 123794 knowledge to knowrepparttar 123795 world and its many facets and to treat each and every single day as a "Present." It is notrepparttar 123796 past, it is notrepparttar 123797 future, it isrepparttar 123798 "present," and what a present it truly can be. Now before your mind says, "Oh, this is one of those pat yourself onrepparttar 123799 back, everything will be fine," type of gift, forget it! No, not everything will be fine every single day, every single moment, but it will be whatever you make it or however you use it. Learning aboutrepparttar 123800 world can take you to realms of knowledge you never thought possible. The environment is a part of my life, your life, and every other living, breathing life form. We are all in this together - we have to "share," and we are forever stewards ofrepparttar 123801 earth, whether we like it or not. The air you breathe,repparttar 123802 food you eat, andrepparttar 123803 water you drink are all part of it. Read, listen, and be a part of major decisions that involverepparttar 123804 substances that become a part of your body, affect your health, and influence your space inrepparttar 123805 world. From chemical pesticides to pollution, from biological warfare to fertilizing plants, and from factory profits torepparttar 123806 quality ofrepparttar 123807 air your lungs breathe, learn as much as you can so you can make knowledgeable, factual, and responsible decisions. Learn about nature andrepparttar 123808 wildlife it supports. There is true "treasure" in discoveringrepparttar 123809 many facets ofrepparttar 123810 animals, marine life, insect world, plant life, and evenrepparttar 123811 bacterial world that sharesrepparttar 123812 world with us, can help or harm us, and that we have a responsibility to help or eradicate.There is no ceiling to learning and adventure isrepparttar 123813 very spice of life. Takingrepparttar 123814 time to learn, to investigate, and to discover and experiment with ideas, issues, and reasons will give our mindsrepparttar 123815 exercise it needs to grow, to function at peak performance, and to expand and enrich us as individuals.

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