Written by Cathy Bass

You've seen it a thousand times. Maybe it's happened to you.

An excellent idea carried out by someone totally committed torepparttar idea's success and yet they fail. Six months later somebody who could care less (but likes to make money) steps up and makes it work. Why? The age old question. Why do good ideas not automatically work?

Many people fail to realize that there are concepts that are UNIVERSAL to small business people in their quest for success.

Even Einstein wouldn't know.

No one person has allrepparttar 106852 answers when it comes to business success. In fact there are many ways to succeed but many MORE ways to fail. Sorepparttar 106853 first thing you need, once you have your idea, is ACCESS to people who have been there.

People who will take time to answer your questions and help you along, without wanting 51% of your business!

The Golden Rule of Business --- Test, test and test again!

Inrepparttar 106854 small business world millions and millions of dollars are lost every year (usually a few hundred dollars at a time) becauserepparttar 106855 idearepparttar 106856 person had wasn't tested. Evenrepparttar 106857 best idea you have ever heard of needs some polish before it's presented torepparttar 106858 world. But where do you go to test? You need a COMMUNITY of people who will test your idea and give honest feedback based on real world experience.

I would -- if I hadrepparttar 106859 money.

Ever been to a bank with an idea for a small business? Thousand of business owners will tell you that most banks don't want you and don't need you. Venture capital is usually forrepparttar 106860 big boys so where do you go? You need a NETWORK of contacts who can help.

Decentralize the Workforce... Telecommuting can provide a safe work environment

Written by Edward B. Toupin

Inrepparttar wake ofrepparttar 106851 terrible tragedy in New York and atrepparttar 106852 Pentagon, perhaps we need to reevaluaterepparttar 106853 way we handle and position our workforce. The World Trade Center was a huge target containing a congregation of thousands of individuals and hundreds of companies. In such a situation, in many cities,repparttar 106854 idea of implementing a telecommuting strategy to decentralizerepparttar 106855 workforce would not only save lives, but also reducerepparttar 106856 hit taken by many companies.

--- Never again! ---

I recently spoke about this current national situation withrepparttar 106857 heads of several companies with which I've worked. All of them replied in a way that made me realize that they were more concerned aboutrepparttar 106858 safety of their employees andrepparttar 106859 future of their companies than their current income potential or stock dividends.

One ofrepparttar 106860 big concerns raised by these company chiefs was that they were not sure how their sales force would operate under these conditions. Face-to-face meetings with current and potential clients were cancelled and, forrepparttar 106861 most part, not rescheduled. Many ofrepparttar 106862 clients, however, were comfortable at setting up video-conferencing systems to support a minimal face-to-face meeting and most ofrepparttar 106863 "sales calls" went on without a hitch. Basically, a way was found to resolverepparttar 106864 issue and American business continued.

According to one company in New York, there was no way that they would work in such a tower again, nor would they recruit anyone to do so. They feel thatrepparttar 106865 era of American glory through skyscrapers is over, but they must continue their business, only in safer corridors.

--- Decentralizerepparttar 106866 Work Force ---

I've visitedrepparttar 106867 World Trade Center on numerous occasions and periodically visit my office in mid-town. Each block has more people thanrepparttar 106868 entire county in which I lived in Colorado. This massive congregation of people is a wonderful site, however, inrepparttar 106869 wake of this maniacal attack, it is also a devastation waiting to happen.

Withinrepparttar 106870 World Trade Center, there were in excess of 50,000 people. Not only does such an attack destroyrepparttar 106871 lives of thousands more, but it also affectsrepparttar 106872 economy in one, sharp blow. By decentralizingrepparttar 106873 workforce, we are not only making an attempt to save lives, but we are also making an attempt to saverepparttar 106874 economy from future blows of this magnitude.

Additionally, a decentralized workforce would support a means of allowing face-to-face client calls withinrepparttar 106875 locale ofrepparttar 106876 individuals. This will reduce flight costs andrepparttar 106877 time spent travelling as well as enhancerepparttar 106878 safety ofrepparttar 106879 individual employees.

Of course, this will place added responsibilities on individual employees. In some cases, for example, software developers would have to make customer support calls and essentially become sales people. Perhapsrepparttar 106880 idea of a jack-of-all-trades might make a comeback and support American business in different ways.

--- Implementing a Telecommuting Policy ---

Currently, many companies have cast telecommuting aside. They claim loss of production, lack of discipline, and other such reasons. It is, however,repparttar 106881 responsibility ofrepparttar 106882 organizations themselves to implement checks and balances to ensure thatrepparttar 106883 workers are producing as expected, just as occurs within a physical office environment.

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