Waterproofing your foundation? What is the right choice?

Written by Dagmar Rakos

What is foundation waterproofing?

Waterproofing is Protecting your property foundation – be it residential or commercial – from cracks due to natural processes such as water damage, thermal movement, shrinking, settlement and other causes.

Think of foundation waterproofing as a long term solution for protection of your property.

Did you know that 44% of new homes have leaking basements without 3 years of completion? Andrepparttar warranty on dry basement on a new home in USA and Canada is only 1 or 2 years?

Think of what can happen if you don’t pay attention to properly seal your house foundation.

It not only causes countless damage to your property it also decreases value of your house, costs money to repair, wastes time, not to mention various health and life hazards.

So what isrepparttar 103177 Solution to this problem?

Waterproof your propertyrepparttar 103178 right way as you build it!

There are many products onrepparttar 103179 market and it is difficult to choose at times, but not all arerepparttar 103180 same quality.

The easiest, simplest and smartest way is to apply rubberized liquid membrane. Liquid rubber membranes are elastomeric polymerized coatings made from liquid rubber –repparttar 103181 same quality tough material your car tires are made from.

Advantages: They are easiest to apply, quick to dry, cold applied. You can do it by yourself, by using sprayer, roller or trowel. The liquid cures into an elastic rubber coating onrepparttar 103182 wall, able to fill up eventual cracks in foundation wall because of its flexibility. They also come with a long warranty and are very cost effective.

Creating Information Products For Money, Image And Success

Written by Michael Port

There has never been a more exciting and profitable time to create your own online product. Recent breakthroughs inrepparttar costs of software, broadband, online hosting, and teleconferencing combined withrepparttar 103176 explosion of internet sales, makes it easier than ever before for any coach to create their own products.

Even better, withrepparttar 103177 advent of automation, it's never been easier to automaterepparttar 103178 entire sales and distribution of your product, providing you with a passive stream of income while you sleep.

An information product can be delivered in many different formats; as an e-book, e-course, special report, manual, tutorial, home study course, tele-class, intensive program, etc. Audio and video can even be added to any of these formats, simply and easily from home, something that wasn't possible even just a few years ago.

Why is it important to have your own product onrepparttar 103179 internet?

Positions you as an expert - Perception is everything onrepparttar 103180 internet andrepparttar 103181 creation of your own product results in positioning you as an expert and is a critical step in generating new business.

Builds your brand identity - Your product represents you and your business inrepparttar 103182 marketplace, and making it available onrepparttar 103183 Web isrepparttar 103184 first step toward getting your product into more hands, heads, and homes.

Reaches a global marketplace - Having a product available onrepparttar 103185 Web means that you've expanded your geographic marketplace torepparttar 103186 entire world via your website and your affiliate's websites.

Creates a 24/7, passive revenue, profit machine - The Web never sleeps which means that you can literally turn your computer and website into a cash register aroundrepparttar 103187 clock, and many, if not all, ofrepparttar 103188 processes can be automated.

Instantly increasesrepparttar 103189 effectiveness of yours sales cycle - This is especially critical for coaches. Often a consumer will opt to purchase a product as a trial before deciding to purchase your service. Having a quality product available onrepparttar 103190 Web allows them to get to know a bit more about you and what you have to offer.

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