Ways to Celebrate Black History Month

Written by Susan Dunn, The EQ Coach

Here are some sites and resources for celebratingrepparttar important history and contributions of Blacks.

1. Check out some videos on Black history, such as "The Black West" or "Abubakari: The Explorer King of Mali". These are recipients ofrepparttar 130967 Gold Apple fromrepparttar 130968 National Educational Media Association, Telly Award. http://www.blackhistory.com/cgi-bin/st_prod.html?p_prodid=1&sid=3pe3@C01DJcq0@p-30103109 227.e3

Including comprehensive support materials, 16 reproducible cross- curriculum activities and activity guides.

2. Get some celebrate diversity life savers and other multicultural celebration aids such as education posters, tshirts and videos: http: //www.guidancechannel.com/marketplace/default.asp?fn=pID&catID=7&pID=400

3. Multigenerational celebrating with songs, books. http://www.euronet.nl/users/jubo/february.html

4. Takerepparttar 130969 Black past quiz: http://www.familyeducation.com/quiz/0,1399,1-4888,00.html?relinks

5.The African-American Mosaic, A Library of Congress Resource Guide forrepparttar 130970 study of Black history & culture, including ex-slave narratives: http://lcweb.loc.gov/exhibits/african/intro.html

5 Steps to a Simpler Life

Written by Barbara Myers

You love your busy life and don't want to slow down. Make it easier by simplifying five basic aspects.

1. Go through your clothing and keep ONLY what fits today. Coordinate your clothing so you can quickly get dressed inrepparttar morning. Set up an organized laundry routine. Designate a bag for dry-clean-only clothes.

2. Organize your kitchen. Establish a system for planning meals and grocery shopping. Set up a system for your recipes. Keep a supply of frozen vegetables, meats and breads for quick meals.

3. De-clutter your home. Get rid of everything you don't use or love. Don't keep things for "someday." Give important items a designated place so you can find them when you need them.

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