Web Strategy and Powerful Persuasive Writing

Written by http://www.itilhelp.com

Web Marketing Strategy and Powerful Persuasive Writing

In today's hi-tech society, many commercial enterprises are trying to turn `bricks into clicks' but fail miserably. They makerepparttar classic mistake of assuming Internet surfers will visit their site without them having to do anything. Wrong.

There are already far too many websites out there promising to let you in onrepparttar 103581 marketing secrets ofrepparttar 103582 internet. I guess you've already visited some of them? And found them sadly lacking or wanting to sell you something?

Web Marketing Strategies

Strategy is not just a word for playing `buzz word bingo' inrepparttar 103583 office.

Website marketing strategies need to address issues such as customers, competitors and market trends. The strategy needs to be proactive rather than simply reacting torepparttar 103584 latest trends - this way, it becomes responsive to your customer needs andrepparttar 103585 commercial pressures around you.

Market orientation of your product or service isrepparttar 103586 `holy grail'. How are you going to approach this?

- customer focussed?

- competitor focussed?

A marketing strategy aims to transform your business objectives into a competitive market position. In essence, you need to differentiate your activities or products by meeting customer needs more effectively than competitors. So, how do you do this?

Firstly, analyse your business environment and define specific customer needs.

Secondly, match activities and products to customer segments and thirdly, implement a programme that produces a competitive position superior to your competitors.

I recommend that you spend some time surfingrepparttar 103587 web to get to really know who your competitors are.

How do they present themselves?

What are they offering?

What is there marketing and promotional angle? Need? Want?

Then spend some time thinking about your customers.

"Who is your customer?" - This is probablyrepparttar 103588 first question you need to ask yourself when deciding on your website promotional activities. It sounds simple doesn't it? It isn't. Simply responding "everyone onrepparttar 103589 web" is too general; if `everyone' was to be your potential market, imagine how you would have to design your website to satisfy and interest them? There'd be

8 year olds 70 year olds gays men women transgendered disabled black white Married Single parents Divorced American Italian English Swedish etc.,

It's far easier and far more profitable to really hone in on precisely who is your customer.

Is it a 30something professional? Housewife?


Getrepparttar 103590 picture?

To help you with finding out who regularly usesrepparttar 103591 web, use some search engines and query on `internet use' or `consumer analysis'.

Okay, so now you know who your `target market' is. Ensure you design your website to suit them. Their needs, their tastes - not yours !

What is persuasive writing?

Simply put, it'srepparttar 103592 art of using particular words and phrases withrepparttar 103593 intention of having an impact.

Good examples of this can be found all around you. Just think of allrepparttar 103594 advertising `catch phrases' you can remember. "Thorntons, chocolate heaven since 1911", or "mymate marmite", or a classic one from my childhood was "chef square shape soup shows how a good soup should be.”

So, what arerepparttar 103595 secrets?

For a start, how are you going to advertise your website?

Thinking of submitting to web search engines? Increasingly, search engines are not offering free submissions - you have to pay. The one's that still allow you to submit your website for free do not offer any guarantees of its placement. It can take 6 months for your submission to be added and then you may find your entry on page 22 ofrepparttar 103596 search results! Research has shown that most web surfers do not look past page 3 of search results so you're not going to increase your web traffic much this way. Of course, if you are a commercial enterprise - or well paid - you may decide it's worth payingrepparttar 103597 money to register your URL (universal resource locator/your website address) with them. However, there are other options.

Few people realiserepparttar 103598 power of classified ads in local and national newspapers. Some quite large profitable companies rely on this method of promoting their goods and services without paying out £ $ 0000's for page and half page advertisements.

The key to their success is inrepparttar 103599 wording....

All successful advertisements containrepparttar 103600 following eight elements:

1. gains attention 2. focuses onrepparttar 103601 customer 3. stresses benefits 4. differentiates you from your competitors 5. proves its case 6. establishes credibility 7. builds value 8. closes with a call for action

Of course, not all advertisements need to contain allrepparttar 103602 8 elements in equal proportions. However, let's examine each element in more detail...


Sex is certainly one way of gaining attention. Think of allrepparttar 103603 ads. you’ve seen that contain pictures of either explicit sex and sexual activities or innuendo or, pictures of mothers and baby, health, abdominal exercise machines, women in swimwear.

Children and puppies, kittens also gain attention. Andrex have successfully exploited these elements for years -repparttar 103604 puppy running off withrepparttar 103605 toilet roll hotly pursued by a toddler.

How to Build Business Credit Despite Your Personal Credit

Written by Karen L. Hardy

Business credit is more of a science than an art. The first rule for this science is that it is notrepparttar same as personal credit.

Many would-be and aspiring business owners are not aware that establishing credit for a business is just as important as establishing personal credit. They also do not realize that a business can have a credit score separate from their personal credit score.

There is a world out there designed specifically forrepparttar 103580 business entity with a whole set of different rules.

Many entrepreneurs start out accumulating excessive personal debt to finance a business. Within a few months or even years, they find thatrepparttar 103581 business is a monster and needs more food, also known as financing.

With credit cards maxxed torepparttar 103582 limit, business owners find themselves in a crunch and searching for ways to raise capital. This is difficult to do whenrepparttar 103583 time is not taken to establish business credit first. Business credit is a crucial first step and foundation to build upon.

First, a business is not real. It really doesn't exist until legal steps and processes are completed to say that it does exist. PEOPLE create businesses that have not been tested, employed or ever earned a paycheck. So, when you start a business and begin looking for financing,repparttar 103584 bank WILL ALWAYS look at your credit because they can touch you (and your job, and your car, and your house...). You have a history. Your business does not.

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